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RE: Reservoir Cycle on the new bikes, rosehips & roos , lunch: Mental Health Day for the Hubs

in Wednesday Walk β€’ last year

No way, those mozzies sound like right pricks.

Wow 🀯🀯🀯 when I hear about people not knowing how to ride a bike or swim my head does weird things. Don't worry, it's not that great, in my opinion, although millions of middle aged men in Lycra would say otherwise. Would you consider learning?

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I dont want to be one of those middle aged men in lycra. I have a stationary bike at home for exercise. Though like, that might be a spelling error.

I dont want to be one of those middle aged men in lycra.

Oh god no, please don't. You can cycle in trainers and shorts. No leg shaving round here. Jamie's got some proper bike shorts and tshirt but not lycra really, just stuff that dries fast. Anyway, sometimes you just gotta accept it, just like I accept the fact he has a beard with grey in it and - looks like a middle aged man on a bike. Just as I look like a middle aged woman, but I don't look at myslf that often and forget.

I have a stationary bike at home for exercise.

Lol, it's kinda the same thing - just pedal like fuck and don't lean either way, and you'll be fine.

The problem is that gravel is a lot less forgiving than the living room floor.