Reservoir Cycle on the new bikes, rosehips & roos , lunch: Mental Health Day for the Hubs

Wednesday walk folk, look away if you're a purist. This isn't a walk of course but a ride, but I think the aim of dear @tattoodjay's #wednesdaywalk iniative has blossomed some what into 'get out and about and show us a bit of your environment', right? Plus, look at this guys face. Look how happy he is. Instead of walking this Wednesday with him, I agreed to cycle, and that's a huge deal!


First of all, it was a bit of a mental health day today for him. Teachers are more overworked than ever and if he didn't take a sneaky day off he would have exploded. Next week is parent teacher interviews after a six on (six teaching period) day and he's on til 9.30 at night. Do they get paid extra for this? No. The state schools have now agreed to that but not all independent schools. Morale is at an all time low, for this and many other reasons, so doing up bikes and going for a ride keeps him at least a little sane.

WE drove to the reservoir, only ten minutes away from us, but cycling there as WELL as the 11 kms around the reservoir was not what I agreed to. He's been working hard on building me the best gravel bike he can out of old bikes he's found off marketplace. AND he found the bike rack from the tip shop for $10 too! He's put suspension and good gears on my bikes so we were hoping it would keep me happy. After the fall I had from my bike last year I've been super reluctant to get out again, but marriage is all compromise and negotiation, right, and I just wanted him to be happy.


It really was a perfect morning for a ride - it can get super windy round the reservoir but today was perfectly still and kinda cool, with the sun just starting to warm things up. In the distance were swans, but my camera didn't really catch them.


I was super impressed with the bike, although the seat isn't suitable for me and basically made me have a numb fanny (not the American fanny, the Australian one) which also gave me pins and needles which was a wierd experience. Don't think about it too much - girls might know what I mean. Save to say Jamie found it amusing as I stomped about trying to unnumb so I could have a pee.


Jamie's really wanting to do a lot more gravel biking, which is basically cycling off road. There's tons of gravel roads around here so it's perfect. The reservoir was good for me to test it out as it was flat - and I really enjoyed it, so I might even go again. I certainly need to cycle a lot as we plan on doing a long ride along the Danube when we go to Europe next year. Anyone live on that route?


One thing there are a LOT of here is kangaroos, and some HUGE ones as well, super muscley. For some reason, my phone started taking blurry photos, so I've included a a shot of this guy from the Wednesday ACTUAL walk we did here a few months ago! There's always one keepign a look out. This guy was GIGANTIC.


Obviously we had a really lovely time. I'm so glad I made him come out and get some fresh air instead of being home catching up on school work. He really needed it.


ON the last leg I found the motherload of rosehips - so we had to remove the spare tyres and my phone and fill the bag at the handlebars with them!



I ended up making a heap of oxymel from the rosehips - basically you soak them in vinegar for six weeks and end up with a Vit C rich probiotic drink. I added some ginger too.

When we got home I suggested we go into the town and have some lunch - a rare treat, but I'd sold some mushroom buckets and thought it would be nice. Now say 'burger and chips' to Jamie and he'll grin from ear to ear. That's what he had - I had a quinoa crust veggie flan thingie with salad and goat cheese.


The funny thing was, he wasn't the only person who took this Wednesday off. I spoke to quite a few others who did too. Maybe it was Wednesday anti Work day?

How was your Wednesday?

With Love,


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Nice ride and a good yield with those rosehip.
You inspired me to create a similar hastag as #wednesdaywalk but then for cyclists!

Upvoted by the Cycling Community

Fantastic! To whom am I talking to? I know @mrprofessor used to run @cyclefeed many moons ago, not sure if it's still going.

Not me this time. It's great to have another cycling community again. Maybe I'll get @cyclefeed running again if more of us show up.

Great job @friendlymoose! We need more and more ppl cycling.

It'd be great if you could support @friendlymoose , Mr P - I reckon with some TLC it could be good!

Yeah, I have to fuel CF with some HP and reactivate the c9ntests we used to run. It would be indeed really cool.

I've just checked your @cyclingfeed account and that cycling photo contest was really cool!
Feel free to use the @cycling community if you consider restarting it.
The community has grown to 76 subscribers since I've been promoting it a bit, so I do think there will be interest.
Contests often attract new people too.

I'm also receiving some delegations, so I will be happy to support this initiative!

That's a lot of cyclists! I'll talk to the @travelfeed team if I can get back to using cyclefeed (cyclefeed used to cast votes together with tf). It would be awesome to recreate those contests.

Cool! If you need any help promoting the contest, just drop me a line.
I also create a weekly overview post with all photocontests.
You can also reach me on Discord friendlymoose#5717

This is @friendlymoose
I've started the cycling community many moons ago too, but didn't had the knowledge and network to make it a succes.

Now; two years later I'm giving it a second try since I adsume there are quite a lot of cyclists on Hive.
I just spotted another one 👍

Fantastic!!! Keep it up. You should run a challenge!

Thanks! Good idea. I want to grow the community first. The number of subscribers is growing slowly, but steady.
Maybe ill introduce the #weekendride hastag to promote the community some more!

I like that idea of a tag!!! Cool! I find sometimes a challnge helps promote the community too eg 'what's your first memory of cycling' = and one of rules is to tag someone else and reblog the post. That way people start to hear about it. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip!

Wow that was indeed a great Wednesday cycle. All of you indeed deserve a break and go out to have some fun, good fun and relaxation with nature.

It is also so good to walk or cycle with great buddies and you have them.

Yes, my husband is my best friend for sure x

Always have time for each other.

Seems you enjoyed a great ride here ! Mmh, those rose hips, I would be curious to see how you prepare this 😉

Burger-chips & Quinoa salad, the perfect combo we are enjoying, each its meal and I’ve kind of the same smile than Jamie haha 😂

Do you know oxymels? That's what I did. Just add apple cider vinegar to the plant material and some raw honey and wait six weeks. I love it. Have you heard of fire cider?

All right, I will try that after searching some more recipe to develop my own !

Have you heard of fire cider?

Yeah, plus it was from you haha !

Hope you're doing good those days :)

I can't imagine the stress he had with his work but I'm also so stressed with mine and wanted to go out and do some fun stuff to help ease the stress. The place looks fun for cycling! And those kangaroos, aaahh~ you're really in Australia. 😅

I hope you get out and have some fun!!!

We need it.


Cycling around forests and lakes must be very fun, moreover we can be healthier by cycling

Productive! For a change...

Glad you guys had such a good day!

Haha when are we NOT productive ..!🤣🤣🤣

Oh, I have my days....

He does look to be in his element 😁 great smiles.
Yep, one needs to take off sometimes to recharge and have fun.
Nice treats too, the food looks delicious.
Didn’t know you could make that out of the rose hips. Interesting 🤔
Have a lovely day 👋🏻😊

Oh yes and oxymel is great!!

Will for sure look into it…

Perhaps you got the idea right; go out and have fun. Truly venturing out eases monotony and revitalise our mind almost instantly. I hope you guys enjoyed it to the fullest even under the cloudy sky ;)

Ah, at least with clouds you don't get as much sunburn!!

Hahaha.... That's legit. But sites are best explored in a mild-sunny day with light breeze, Have a good day friend 🙂

Great to pick rose hips, I have plenty here when the horses aren't nibbling on them! Thanks for this recipe, I never thought of soaking them in vinegar, much easier than making jam!

It has to be apple cider vinegar for the true power of this brew! Then it's both vit c rich AND probiotic. Raw honey is good too. Then I drink it like cordial!!! How do you make the jam, or do you mean syrup?

Cider vinegar, the base of my sauces here, the horses loved it when I put it in their trough so it's a great ingredient on its own. I've only made jam with it once because you had to squeeze the pulp out of the fruit, it was horribly time consuming and my jam had trouble setting so it stayed liquid, a disaster! I think you'll find better recipes on the net, I tried that 10 years ago, the know-how has evolved since then ;)

Vegetarian fare has got to up its naming and marketing game 😁 I'd choose burger and fries everytime over

quinoa crust veggie flan thingie

but your plate looks yummy. Nice you guys got out for a mental health day. Maybe I'm not paying attention but I didn't realize that your husband was a teacher. Good for him 🙂 I have two boys and male teachers are important for boys growing up.

Yeah I never speak much about teaching as it's not our main passion in life I suppose. When I met Jamie I had just finished my teaching degree and he was just about to start his. As it was love at first sight, couldn't go back and that's why I married a teacher, otherwise I would have chosen someone with a shit ton of money.

I hear your passion for teaching sometimes 😉

I have the upmost respect for teachers, especially with the attitudes of some kids i see today when waiting to pickup my granddaughter from school,I honestly feel their pay rates are appalling and add on all the extra hours they put in to give their students the best education they can

and yes even though I call it the Wednesday Walk, its not just about walking its about getting out and about so cycling counts

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, its always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

I thought you wouldn't mind the cycling. Of course I get off and walk whenever there's a slight hill, up or down 🤣🤣

Thanks for sympathizing with teachers. Some people are assholes about it when they have the hardest job. Being nice to teachers and teaching kids to respect them helps the profession enormously xxx

I think back to how I was as a student and drove teachers nuts most likely, so perhaps why I respect them

Nice burger, not nice veggie flan thingy. I am glad you explained as I thought those red things were plum tomatoes
I am glad I am a bloke, I am not sure how I would deal with a numb fanny

Think about having a numb asshole or pins and needles in your balls.

I would rather not actually, thank you very much!

Some.people would pay for that experience....

I can feel a side hustle coming on!

You look so happy here. I live not too far from a reservoir, but it is sullied by signs notifying of Encephalitis carrying mozzies in the area. Prior to this, it was a really a nice walk.

There's bike riding tracks around it, but believe it or not, I never learned how to ride a bike :D

No way, those mozzies sound like right pricks.

Wow 🤯🤯🤯 when I hear about people not knowing how to ride a bike or swim my head does weird things. Don't worry, it's not that great, in my opinion, although millions of middle aged men in Lycra would say otherwise. Would you consider learning?

I dont want to be one of those middle aged men in lycra. I have a stationary bike at home for exercise. Though like, that might be a spelling error.

I dont want to be one of those middle aged men in lycra.

Oh god no, please don't. You can cycle in trainers and shorts. No leg shaving round here. Jamie's got some proper bike shorts and tshirt but not lycra really, just stuff that dries fast. Anyway, sometimes you just gotta accept it, just like I accept the fact he has a beard with grey in it and - looks like a middle aged man on a bike. Just as I look like a middle aged woman, but I don't look at myslf that often and forget.

I have a stationary bike at home for exercise.

Lol, it's kinda the same thing - just pedal like fuck and don't lean either way, and you'll be fine.

The problem is that gravel is a lot less forgiving than the living room floor.

I want to go back to cycling. I used to have a bike in the Philippines. Now, I'm in France and never got the chance to go back to cycling because of the kids. I need to save money so that I can buy a bike here. :)

Oh, can you not buy one second hand? How old are your kids? They'll need bikes too. It definitely is a good family activity.

Toddlers 1 and 2 years old. I think I can return to biking when kids are not too clingy and kinda independent. :)

Oh it won't be too long! They grow up so fast!

Hehe, indeed!

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Epic! You? Cycling? Super sexy awesome. I hope no wine was involved this time. Love J's face of pure hapiness. Maybe if you continue riding get some cycling shorts with cushion, or a new sear would solve the issue.

Oh yes, Jamie picked up a pair like that super cheap. And he's been watching Youtube to find out the best seat option for me - he'll work it out. No wine - jesus I'm so scared of falling off.

Finding a good seat starts with measuring the width of your 'butt bones'. Then a bike fit to make sure you are sitting on the bones and not anywhere else. Your butt numbness is probably coming from presaing a nerve.

I hope you don't give up 😚😚

Noooooooo. Numb fanny!!! How uncomfortable!! Was that just from an excessive amount of bouncing around? I can't remember the last time that happened to me... But to be fair, I really don't get a bike anywhere near as often as I let my two feet take me places.

!LUV the rosehips. What a score! Sending you a !HUG because I can :)

I think it was the pressure on my thingie! Ouch. Hilarious though. Hugs back!

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I wanna go toooo....!!! It looks so much fun!

And I gotta try making oxymel. Although this is not rosehip season at the moment where I am.

Oh yes well as spring comes out there will be lots of herbs to make oxymels from !