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RE: Wednesday Walk - San Diego to Chicago

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago (edited)

Yeah paragliding looks like a quick way to damage yourself, one wrong tug on the line and you go sailing off into the side of a cliff. I wish I could have seen the birds in action. Here's a view of the projectors that took forever to line up/edge blend.


Wow that’s an impressive setup must have been a heck of a job

It was tricky we had to integrate the projectors into a control system and get them to talk to that system with scripts and code so they could sync content across the stadium with the push of a button.

Being a telecommunications tech fir many years before moving not managing both telecommunications and IT I have an idea how complex that all was

The random bugs we ran across through all the different hardware was crazy. Then I had to re-export the video so the two computers that are attached to the projectors would play it in sync. Really had to read each of the hardware manuals really closely and even call their tech guys to ask about hidden firmware features.


Wow wha ta job! Looks like you've got what, 28-30 panels there?

Did you make a post on this job?

I would love to see how you did it!

The panels are just existing sound panels but it was unused real estate so we decided to project on them with 7 projectors in an array. It was a bit of a complex puzzle to get extenders up in the ceiling to go back to the control room and interface with an existing system.

Wow sounds like a challenging job and one that I would have loved to been involved in although not a full on techy, I'm great at solving tech puzzles...and love learning about stuff like that too!

It was quite a puzzle we had all our plans drawn up beforehand but of course random bugs throw a wrench in the works. Compared to some of my other crazy projects this one ran fairly smoothly with only a few nail biting moments before the deadline lol.