This time it was a walk around Trang Municipal Market. and popular places Starting with the general market and the municipal market.😜

in Wednesday Walklast month

This time it was a walk in the Trang Municipal Market. and popular places Starting from the general market and municipal market But I must say first that I've been there many times.

Hello friends, make breakfast and eat it. Sit and eat comfortably, not in a hurry. It's time to take the kids to school.
Today I went to the market to pay for food. to buy food to stock up

I hurried to the fresh market. Trang city center Let's go explore the 2 fresh markets along the road since I walked out of the car. You'll find small flower shops on the side of the road, as well as fruit and snack shops.
This is the old market. But my information is unclear because I don't know what this market is like or anything interesting. Going to the market is a good thing. I have to walk around. As I walked around I saw interesting things to buy and eat. And it's normal to be suspicious of things you see, such as seafood or freshwater fish. Where did the seller get it? ...and how much does it cost? If you want to know, you have to ask the market people. There is another matter to ask. Can I go see what they're selling? Is there anything else to see? There's delicious food there. Many things, this market says it all. I've been here many times before. It still keeps coming. Today when I walked into the fresh market it was very disappointing. The market began to close quickly, which is normal. This morning the vendors will be selling things. I must have been very confused because there aren't as many products here as I've ever seen. Before coming here to this big market There are colorful highlights. Souvenirs are sold in front. And in the fresh market there are fresh seafood and fresh vegetables. There are many sellers. And there is ready-made food and a curry panel. Most of the menu items are delicious. In this fresh market, walk inside. They will sell a wide selection of shoes and clothing. And there are also kitchen appliances that are worth keeping an eye on. Life is lively on the outskirts of the market. Locals sell most of what they put on the table. Therefore it is clearly local. Trang Municipal Market, walk back to the car. Today's journey home is a shame. Didn't receive necessary raw materials Due to the set time, we had to return. I have my mother and pets waiting at home. Today I have to say goodbye. See you again next time. Thank you for your support.


A very big market! I like the sweet stalls, lots of Thai sweets.

That's right, there is a big market and corners of buildings where you can walk around and take photos.😍

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Thank you for the good activities.😍