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RE: Wednesday Walk on the Beach

in Wednesday Walk • 2 years ago

Welcome to the Wednesday Walk 😎
I too love walking on beaches not only for exercise which I need to try and reduce some weight I gained over winter but fir some fresh air and peace and quiet
I should cut down my carbs more as you have

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


I agree with you 100%. I'm so glad I found this opportunity on the Hive blockchain. I'm still pinching myself because this is the perfect place to be. I have absolutely no desire to be on facebook or youtube anymore. I've been surfing the internet for 20 years and the last couple of years with all the censorship I thought the internet age was over BUT IT'S NOT... I'm so happy to be here and I look forward to your wednesday walks.

I am glad you found you way here its a great place and a wonderful sense of community