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RE: Wednesday walk: Oh so green with a splash of color

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

what a delightful park, the greens so fresh and lush

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


I am happy you dropped by and that you enjoyed the visit. Thanks for your comment.
You just journeyed to Amsterdam. I know exactly how you feel with foreign blogs - that is the beauty of our global reach.

one thing I love about hosting the Wednesday Walk is seeing walks from all around the globe, sometimes places I havent been, and sometimes places I have

I visited Amsterdam a few times, but dont think I ever made it tot hat park

This park like many others are not as popular as the park near the center called Vondelpark - Beatrixpark in the south of the city.

I know I visited one park there but honestly dont know which one

Aww that is ok. I will certainly visit more parks and share them with Wednesday walk.

I will look forward to seeing them :)