
Oh, so Lulu is the official spokesperson of the family lol.
An easy one this as you just have to go and stand near a fisherman with Lulu and you will find out all that you want to know 🤣

Ohh yes she is Sometimes when we meet people and after she’s been chatting to them for a while they asked me if I can talk LOL

Maybe when they ask if you can talk, just point at your mouth and make a negative gesture with you hand lol.
They will think that you are dumb.

That’s a great idea I must remember that lol

Hahaha, no, you shouldn't pull that act, as that fisherman might be the local hardware shop owner and if you walk in there to ask for a tool it will be dead giveaway lol.

But maybe you can tell him that you had a miracle healing, as when you woke up that morning all of a sudden you could speak 🤣

Or perhaps it’s a strange disorder outside I can’t talk but indoors I can lol

I Think that people with your condition are called "introverts" JJ.
Thankfully just a normal condition and nothing bad, as you talk very well here here.