
Nope, no ways that we can remember that lot, but I am lucky to work on this PC and with the list stuck on the wall next to me, I can consult it at any time when I am busy here 😁

You can carry the list in your pocket or in your phone cover lol.

Throw some at me and see if I know them

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah, I will as soon as the list is up hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

Cheers and !BEER

👌 😃 👍

Oops last reply went before I finished
Signals I think in most military is always so different from the rest if the army

We called them the radio spooks hahaha.
But the signal guys in the infantry was great and fit guys.
They had to carry those twin old battery backpacks and the full radio kit on patrol.
And I know that they hated it!

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