Wednesday walk sunrise at Fort Tabor Beach

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

Wednesday walk sunrise at Fort Tabor Beach

This post if for Wednesday walk challenge
Any questions about the challenge read the guide at the Bottom of the post ;)

For this post I am sharing a few shots taken on an early morning walk I took on Fort Tabor Beach here in New Bedford recently

Looking at the weather apps on my phone I wasn't sure it would be much of a sunrise but I wanted to get some fresh air and had a busy day ahead so went out early and I was glad I did as it was a lovely sunrise with some lovely warm colors

Initially when I got there some nice warm yellows on the horizon

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 2 Seconds ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Walked the beach to the pier and looking out

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1.3 Seconds ISO 100
Click here to view larger

then as the sun got closer to rising some nice warm reds appeared

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/2 Second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

over the rocks

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Sony A7iv 19mm F11 1/3 Second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and some more rocks I loved the sunrise over the rocks, hmmm that sounds like a cool drink LOL

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Sony A7iv 19mm F11 1/4 Second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

walking along the beach

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1.3 Seconds ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and even looking the other way away from where the sun was rising was some nice colors

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 2.5 Seconds ISO 100
Click here to view larger

I kind of got focused on the rocks that morning

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Sony A7iv 17mm F11 0.6 Seconds ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Weekly giveaway of shares

This week I am sending to the following who joined Wednesday Walk, for this week I did a random draw and the following each received some Hive @jeremiahcustis, @arcgspy, @deraaa, @wittyzell, @iqbalnindol, @ekna

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by me, the idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start. And this is my entry for this week, but first, let me explain the challenge.

This is my post for the Wednesday Walk challenge hosted by myself, let me first explain the guidelines

Try and get out once a week for a short walk, can be from your office, home or anywhere really and walk for a few blocks or a few minutes looking for things to get shots of.

Your walk does not have to be on a Wednesday I just ask if possible to share your walk photos on a Wednesday.

Try and get a few shots not just one

Add a bit of a write up about where you walked

Just one Wednesday Walk tagged post a week

You can look for anything in general or decide on one subject you want to get shots off.

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss

Do a post with the shots you get on a Wednesday and tag it with #wednesdaywalk, also if you happen to join, please leave a link to your post in a comment on this post and I will try and visit them all, especially if its not one of the first 5 tags or I may miss seeing it .

Following me and re-Hiving the post so more see it would be appreciated but isn't a rule just a suggestion.

I am not strict on these rules and hence why they are called guidelines and not rules

I will try and visit, and upvote all who take part in the Wednesday Walk.

Make me Smile Collaboration

As I mentioned above Wednesday Walk is collaborating with the [Make Me Smile] hosted by @elizacheng,

Here are the rules for her challenge

Your post can be writing, singing, video, poem,drawing, photography etc.... the most important part is your post Make me" smile, Remember, the ME is whoever read/view/listen to your post and this includes YOURSELF.
b. Your content must be ORIGINAL CONTENT
c. Please include at least 50 Words in your post

I hope a few of you may find this an interesting challenge and decide to join in.

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

Wednesday walk footer.jpg

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Hello dear friend @tattoodjay good morning
I think the best place to walk is the beach and the most convenient time is at sunrise, plus you have the benefit of seeing the sunrise and the colorful sky
Beautiful photographs, thank you very much for sharing this beautiful walk with us

thanks I do love my sunrise walks had a nice one this morning nice and brisk which is great after the humidity we have had

Oh wow, those are some amazing colors! I was on the shore (Lake Huron, not the ocean) this past weekend for a bit and I had planned on getting up to try and grab some shots of the sunrise but I didn't make it out of bed! I'm not sure they would have been anywhere near as amazing as these though. Nice shots!

Cheers I did get lucky that morning, Lucky for me I am an early riser so easy for me to head out and get a sunrise walkin best way for me to start the day

I get up at 4:30 most mornings, so when it is the weekend or I am on vacation, I try to sleep in! :)

thats when I am normally awake by if not earlier, but sleeping past that I just cant do h=its habit i have been doing for so so long

Usually on the weekends 7 is about the latest I get to sleep before I am wide awake.

well for many 7 is getting up early lOL

What a beautiful walk! I love those pink colours in the sky and the conjunction with the rocks and the sea make the whole a perfect place.

I love it, love it!😍

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Have a great day!✨

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 170 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated
Cheers and !BEER
Have a great day

Hey @pixresteemer, here is a little bit of BEER from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

That’s one amazing sunrise you have captured here and the walk itself must have been very pleasant too ☺️💙

@tattoodjay! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ fantagira. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

thanks i got lucky to see such a wonderful sunrise

Utterly fantastic photography series, It's amazing how many high-quality photos you were able to pull from this location!!❤❤👌😍👍

thanks kindly I got lucky with a gorgeous sunrise that morning

Beautiful Sunrise ... Wow.

That sun rising on the horizon is a beautiful image, how many colors in the sky. Anything close to the sea is very pretty. Lovely photos!


Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Great shot! I really love the gradation between the bold blue sky with the sun's color reflection. The presence of the stone even makes it more interesting 😍

Thank you so much for your support!
Here is my entry for this week's Wednesday Walk, a short story, and some pictures of Kuala Bubon Harbour which is located in Meulaboh, Aceh Province.

thanks so much I will visit your post soon

It's been a while since I've enjoyed sunrises with such beautiful scenery or better yet it's been a while since I've stood still and enjoyed those. Last couple of months I've only focused on getting to work on time, but I'll try to notice the beauty around me more often 😊.

Thank you for sharing the beauty around you with us! 😊

thanks for your visit, yes work can take all our time and its hard sometimes ot take a break and enjoy the beauty around us

This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Sunrise at the beach is always beautiful. Even though it was not present in the picture but I could still feel the beauty of each shot. Nature has a way of beautifying itself. I love nature.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Wow nature always amazes us with it's amazing beauty. This view is so relaxing and I am imagining the cool breeze and slowly it turns into warm as the sun rises.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Happy humpday @tattoodjay.. Your photos are always stunning..

thanks so much

have a good day

Sunrise on the rocks. Make mine a double 😁

sure you dont want a triple ;)

Lighting above photograph 'over the rocks' in the foreground a brilliant setting to enjoy on the beach and setup for the morning.


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Thank you so much Jay. And those were awesome pictures! I really enjoyed looking at them. Can’t believe a phone captured the glazing beauties I feasted my eyes on

Wow! So glad you went out… even the app said it wouldn’t be special. This is special!
Awesome colours… love the ones with the rocks. The reds… wow.
Thank you so much for sharing them. Beautiful captures @tattoodjay

Today I take you up a very steep hill to see some fairies 🧚🏻‍♀️ 😉 the most beautiful views around / over county Sligo 😎

“HILL OF THE FAIRIES 🧚🏻‍♀️ ~ KNOCKNASHEE” in County SLIGO - Ireland 🇮🇪 ~ Wednesday Walk

Happy Wednesday!

@tattoodjay! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ littlebee4. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Thanks I have been lucky this last week or two been out for lots of morning walks and feeling good from them and have even lost some weight

your post sounds so cool I look forward to seeing it soon

You are welcome. That sounds great. Good to hear you could go out for some walks.
They do help in many ways. Keep going!

Thank you 😊

What a beautiful sunrise!!!

Here's also my participation this week. Not with sunrise but still worth a visit 😀

thanks and I will visit your post soon

Looking forward!

Hello good morning, I feel very sorry for all the notifications you should have received because of me, I am sorry.

I wanted to try the new ecency video option and it gave 3speak error, I have been working on that post since very early in the morning.

Thank you for your kindness and I apologize again.

I love your photos, the editions are beautiful the colors make me sigh. @tattoodjay

Beautiful morning sunrise 🌄 So captivating .

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Fantastic sunrise photos!!!!
So calming! I need that!

Did so much walking in the fair, hehehe! Here are the animal!

thanks and looking forward to visiting your post shortly

I'm starting to realize why you walk a lot. Always amazing shots near the beach and sea. Especially at sunrise. Sunrise over the Rocks certainly sounds like a good refreshing drink, haha.

Here's mine though it's Wednesday here still I feel late:

trust me not always amazing shots, in fact the post I shared today is to show that LOL

but I I do enjoy the fresh air and the peace and quiet of an early morning walk and if we get a nice sunrise its a bonusd

will visit your post soon

Absolutely beautiful pictures from the beach. I really love all the vibrant colours in the blue sky. Definitely a wonderful place to start your day with a nice morning walk. Thank you for sharing and do keep enjoying your week :}

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

What a best way to start the day! The sunrise is already lovely but it becomes soothing when you include the rocks on your photograph sir. It's still and very peaceful to watch.😍

thanks so much and yes My days are always better if I start them with a nice sunrise walk

What a lovely sunrise view. I only get a glimpse of it whenever I'm on vacation!

Thanks for the Hive too. Quite a lucky surprise.

Hope you're enjoying the rest of your week!

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day