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RE: A wonderful Wednesday walk in the mountains and valleys of Buchan, Victoria

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Those holes I can see ancient humans and cave people escaping from the dinosaurs in there.

As for Buchan well I can tell you that there ain't no kangaroos in our Buchan here in Scotland!

Awesome walk and this makes me want to post a Wednesday Walk but I have CBAitis at the moment!


Oh I'm sure that there a whole lost civilisation down in there.

Apparently there's miles that they haven't explored yet but I want to!

I would LOVE to go proper spelunking down there!

You;re probably lucky not having any roo's in your Buchan because apparently that one was about 7.8 ft tall- they do get big out here too- aparently all animals in Australia back then were giants, even the wombats..

My brain has come up with many explanations of what CBAitis is NSFW though...

My brain has come up with many explanations of what CBAitis is NSFW though...

hahaha that got me laughing and now thinking!

I thought it was Texas that had the biggest of everything lol and now I am wondering what the fluff spelunking is!

Haaa have you never hear of Spelunking before!?!?!

Well it's NOT the thing that you do...well whenever you're doing it...😜..🤣

It the official name for caving, though the quick search I did now suggest that Spelunkers are more amateurs that do easier caves and proper cavers do serious, unexplored caves...

So really there's nothing stopping anyone from spelunking while you're spelunking...😆🤣😂😅