Wednesday Walk Through The Spring Tundra With Fortune

Today I found a couple of free hours in the middle of the day, or it was night, and therefore they turned out to be free, who knows on a polar day. Anyway, knowing that most of the roads towards the sea have already thawed and I will not have to fight for survival on the road, I decided to go to the nearest coast. Not the most northerly and authentic, but rather an observation deck for the locals.


The spring tundra is... I'm not sure it's beautiful, though, there's something cute about these browns and the remaining handful of snow on the shady areas of the hills. It's like you're riding on the back of a huge brown-and-white cow.



Sometimes you get lucky, and in the distance you can spot a white hare or a partridge. These are the most retarded guys of their kind, who have not yet had time to change their winter color to summer and become excellent prey for predators. I don't usually hope for such luck. But today is Wednesday- a happy day, and it looks like Mrs. Fortune decided to go for a walk with me.

Immersed in my own carefree thoughts about the eternal, boundless and something majestic, I did not notice how a gang of road robbers blocked my way. Oh, you know these guys, I've already told you about them here and here.



Reindeer! Wild Reindeer! I can't believe it. I have seen them often and far away in the tundra, but in small groups. And there was a whole herd here. I did not notice the shepherds anywhere nearby, and by how quickly they began to move away from me, I was convinced that these were free animals.


My hands were shaking and my palms were sweating. Believe me, this is a miracle for me. I have met foxes, bears, seals and many different local wildlife up close, but never wild reindeer. A huge herd of 100 individuals, stretching in a chain of several groups over the hills. I didn't even manage to capture them in their entirety.



This species is slightly different from its fellows. They have no clear hierarchy, no leader, they seem chaotic. Any individual can raise alarms, and everyone will hear it. Females also have horns in winter, which they shed by summer. And males, on the contrary, lose their formidable weapons for the whole winter.


I have heard that Sami shepherds do not graze their flocks as is customary, in the sense that they tell the deer where to go. No, it's quite the opposite, it's the deer that show the way to the shepherds, the Sami understand that animals know better where to go to survive, so they just follow the herd, protecting it from predators.


I can't put into words how amazed I was. This meeting flew by like a flash, they are very fast. I do not know how to explain it ... but imagine that you are watching some kind of documentary program where they say that polar bears live near cities. And you think, "Oh, probably every resident of this city has seen a polar bear." No it's not. Few people have seen a polar bear, even living next to it. I was only 70 kilometers from the city and I was extremely lucky to see these guys, I'm not sure that this will ever happen again.



It was as if I was in that very documentary and really realized that I live in the far north, in a wild land, surrounded by wild landscapes and animals. It's magical!


By the way, I finally got to the coast and told this story not only to you, but also to my favorite listener - the North Sea, which is already meeting summer.


@el norteño muy bonita esa tundra primaveral, se me ocurre una idea yo lo voy a invitar a Venezuela, así usted toma fotos acá de Ríos, Playas y Montañas..y sus Mujeres..un paraí opina la idea..

Ahaha, gracias amigo! Esta es una oferta muy tentadora, creo que su país es hermoso, pero demasiado atractivo para mí. Puedo derretirme como la nieve en tu sol del sur. ¡Pero creo que vale la pena, por el bien de tus hermosas mujeres!

okay, it's fine here, in these lands, you always have a welcome friend, our women were saved then hahaha.

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beautiful pictures!

love the atmosphere! <3

@tipu curate

Thanks mate! 🙏🤩

Wild reindeer… wow stunning! Lucky you 😁

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The spring Tundra there is sure different to spring here, but still beautiful

and how awesome you came across those wild reindeer and so many of them I can just imagine how exhilarated you must have been

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Honestly, I didn't know what to do, take pictures, or chase the herd to pet at least one 😅 Maybe stay to live with them there

or maybe do all three, a few quick photos, sneak up and pet one, then pitch a tent and stay


What a magical moment to witness the wild reindeer, dear Northman. I wonder where they were heading?

Landscape is beautiful with the patches of snow making it look (as you mentioned) like a a flattened out large Holstein cow blanket… my words. 😊

Have a wonderful polar day or night!

Have a wonderful polar day or night!

Ah ah, you perfectly reproduced the wish of the locals, I think you are one of us 😉
These furry butts were jumping somewhere to the east, there are wilder places, there may be more food.

I think you are one of us

That nice of you to say., dear Northman😊

Yay! 🤗
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