Wednesday Walk | Time to Feed the Chickens

in Wednesday Walk29 days ago




As instructed by our developmental pedia, Dyn needs to be exposed more outside our home so that she can get more stimuli from other means. It has been four days since we intentionally removed all our gadgets during our playtime as it steals the time that we spent with each other.

Today we went to my in-laws as Dyn and I don't have any specific activity to do so within this day and since today's Wednesday, it is a perfect day to post it as well.


Contemplating whether we would be using a bike or just walking our way to my in-laws April and I agreed to just have Dyn use the bike, if we will walk it would take us more than fifteen minutes and since we live on a highway nearby, trucks, tricycles and other vehicles are always crossing.


The season of rambutan already ended. Every day back then when we walk to this alleyway, we were able to pick some fruits falling from the rambutan tree. If you are lucky, you can get almost 1 kilo from the streets. I remember each time that I go to the marketplace early in the morning and without eating any breakfast, I will just pick-up the fruit that fell on the tree and then eat it.

Is it dirty?

I guess it isn't since the thing that we eat in rambutan is just the seed, and usually it is covered with it's shell. Though there are times that the fruit has some damages when I picked still the taste is better.

After we arrived in my in-laws house, April bid goodbye as she have other errands to do. Dyn and Tatay were left and tatay mentioned that Dyn can go ahead and feed the chickens.

She knows to where she can find the feeds thus when instructed to get some she grabbed a handful and scattered it on the floor.




Dyn can somehow understand some simple instructions, which makes us positive about what will result after her therapies in the future. We will visit some medical centers nearby in the next few days to see if our insurance can cover some expenses of the bills too.

Walking is fun and interactive nowadays, as I try to become more talkative in everything I realized that I find joy in exploring places and stopping by even more exaggerating what I see as babies tend to focus if exaggerations are presented to them.

That's all for me and thank you for your time!