Wednesday Walk: Emerald Lake in Racoș, Brasov county, Romania

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago (edited)

I would give all the landscapes in the world for that of my childhood.Emil Cioran

Hello everyone,

Sitting at my home office I was wondering what my next blog would be and what community to share it in.

It didn't take me much time to think and I made the decision to post here in Wednesday Walk, I have to admit that this is the second post made here in a few months, to be honest I focused a lot on three communities and I decided to try something else, to share with you amazing places I visited.

All the photos attached here are taken by me and are part of my heritage.

Today I want to contribute to the #wednesdaywalk challenge by @tattoodjay and I really want to take this opportunity to walk together through the area of the emerald lake and the basalt columns located in Brasov county in Romania.

I have to admit that visiting this place during the pandemic period we had the opportunity not to catch the place very crowded and enjoy these places in silence.

Today's walk starts from an amazing place called the Emerald Lake.


Looking at this picture the thought takes me away, look how clear the water is, how still it is what an amazing colour it can be.

This natural wonder was formed inside a quarry where, many years ago, basaltic rocks were processed.


The place is unique, what makes it unique we can say that even its formation is something wow, its color makes it unique, the rocks it is surrounded by but what is even more interesting is the strong echo.



The place is arranged in a rustic style I say, everywhere we can find information panels and when we visited the place there was also a guide who explained to tourists all the history of the lake from its formation until today.



Access is very easy here at the lake, we drove to the car park and then walked for a few minutes.

Very important to know is that swimming is forbidden here.



How beautifully the basalt columns reflect in the crystal clear water of the lake.
This lake is one of my favourite places.

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That place is indeed unique and so beautiful the water so clear and pure

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

I'm glad you liked my post today, indeed since I've been on the HIVE platform I've had the opportunity to visit amazing places all over the world through other people's posts, an experience that cannot be described in words.
Greetings from Romania!

Thats what I love about Hive sure through the Wednesday walk, but through posts in General seeing all around the world and other peoples perspectives

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What a great post @triplug
The water is very clear and the rocks have so much details.
Thanks for sharing!👋🏻

I'm so glad you liked my post.

You are welcome 😁