A ride with the time machine-Un paseo con la máquina del tiempo #Wednesday

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago
Hi friends

Today our partner @tattoodjay invites us to tell our walk so here I am on the day of #Wednesday
As this week we have had rain and cold, I have decided to take the time puquina and change the month, I am heading to the summer that has already passed.
A Monday in August with a blue sky and a good temperature, which is what I like.

Hola amigos

Hoy nuestro compañero @tattoodjay nos invita a contar nuestro paseo así que aquí estoy en el día de#Wednesday #
Como esta semana nos ha tocado lluvias y frio, he decidido coger la puquina del tiempo y cambiar de mes, me dirijo al verano que ya paso.
Un lunes de agosto con un cielo azul y buena temperatura que es lo que me gusta.

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A Monday in August with a blue sky and a good temperature, which is what I like. Here we are between arches and arches to take a walk and enjoy the things that we can see, in a walk of a town that has buildings that look like castles.
Un lunes de agosto con un cielo azul y buena temperatura que es lo que me gusta. Aquí estamos entre soportales y arcos a dar un paseo y disfrutar de las cosas que podemos ver, en un paseo de un pueblo que tiene edificios que parecen castillos.
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We entered a square full of trees and in the center a bandstand, in this area of my country there is a custom of having a kiosk, for the music of the band or any musical act.
Entramos en una plaza llena de árboles y en el centro un quiosco de música, por esta zona de mi país hay costumbre de tener un quiosco, para la música de la banda o cualquier acto musical.

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We get closer to observe it and see its metal curves, it looks like it is many years old.
Nos acercamos a observarlo y vemos sus curvas de metal , tiene pinta de tener muchos años.

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When we get closer we see that their conditions are not very good. It seems that its vault has suffered a fire and this is reflected by its dark and burned woods. a shame to behold.
Cuando nos acercamos más observamos que sus condiciones no son muy buenas. Parece que su bóveda ha sufrido un incendio y así lo reflejan sus maderas oscuras y quemadas. una pena para la vista.

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The trees give us shade on this hot day, we sit a bit to rest and watch people go for a walk or go about their normal life on a Monday.
Los arboles nos dan sombra en este día de calor, nos sentamos un poco para descansar y observar a la gente pasear o hacer su vida normal de un lunes.

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The women are delicate and in rich clothes, strolling through the gardens, they in their leather boots and capes, shirts with immaculate white frills.
Ellas delicadas y con ricos ropajes, paseando por los jardines, ellos con sus botas de piel y capas, camisas con chorreras de un blanco impoluto.

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But putting our feet on the ground we see a bronze sculpture, a lion haha I have to approach it, since it does not wiggle or try to eat me as they do with gazelles in the jungle.
Pero poniendo los pies en el suelo vemos una escultura de bronce, un León jaja me tengo que acercar, ya que este no se menea ni intentara comerme como hacen con las gacelas en la selva.

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What fierce teeth and mouth, would the sculptor see a Lion in person or just imagine it and sculpted with some drawing of the king of the jungle?
Que dientes y boca más feroces, ¿el escultor vería un León en persona o simplemente lo imagino y esculpió con algún dibujo del rey de la selva?
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I only put the date but not the reason for the monument
Solo ponía la fecha pero no el porqué del monumento

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We leave it and continue walking discovering all the corners and by chance we see a feline. This one is not scary even if they are from the same family that we have left behind. He is lying under a vehicle soaking up the sun, without having to go hunting his prey and without the extras of caring for lionesses and keeping young males away.
Lo dejamos y seguimos caminando descubriendo todos los rincones y casualidad vemos un felino. Este no da miedo aunque sean de la misma familia que hemos dejado atrás. Esta tumbado debajo de un vehículo tomando el sol, sin tener que ir a cazar sus presas y sin el extra de cuidar a las leonas y apartar a los machos jóvenes.
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We walk and walk and the most we see are the arches one behind the other and inside the restaurants where we have a drink to rest a bit.
Caminamos y caminamos y lo más que vemos son los arcos uno detrás de otro y dentro los restaurantes donde tomamos algún refresco para descansar un poco.

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We are already moving away, it is almost time to look for a restaurant where he will feed us. Sure something yummy, so we say goodbye to the arches.
Ya nos alejamos, casi es hora de buscar un restaurante donde nos dé de comer. Seguro que algo rico, así que decimos adiós a los arcos.

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Just seeing the bread and my stomach growl, like the lion we have seen, thank goodness I do not have to run after some beautiful gazelles, or eat their raw meat, in this area of northern Spain the food is usually exquisite.
Solo viendo el pan ya mí estómago ruje, como el león que hemos visto, menos mal que no tengo que correr detrás de unas bellas gacelas, ni comerme su carne cruda, en esta zona del norte de España la comida suele ser exquisita.

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With this Galician Octopus dish I'll leave you until next week, where I hope that the weather is good and I don't have to ride the time machine again. Although here the rains usually visit us often and the umbrella is our companion.
Con este plato de Pulpo a la gallega os dejo hasta la próxima semana, donde espero que el tiempo acompañe y no tenga que montarme otra vez en la máquina del tiempo. Aunque aquí las lluvias nos suelen visitar a menudo y el paraguas es nuestro compañero.

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Canon PowerShot SX730 HS

Image © txatxy. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by Original content by @txatxy




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A nice summers day walk in such an interesting area it’s great they have a place fir musicians to perform in a lot of places there a shame that bandstand is damaged let’s hope it is repaired by now

Love the details you shared with us and my stomach is rumbling after seeing the food :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Oh such a beautiful are with so many interesting and historical building too!

I love the photo of the cat as it reminds me of my old childhood cat when she was old.