Sredom setamo dvorcem Bisingen - Nipenburg. --- Wednesday Walk the castle Bisingen - Nipenburg.

in Wednesday Walklast year (edited)


Dobro vece dragi prijatelji, danas vas vodim u jos jednu nezaboravnu setnju,dvorac Bisingen - Nipenburg, nekada pravi lepotan a danas dvorac "strave".
Ovo je jedina slika kako je nekad izgledao dvorac, pronašao sam je preko interneta, izvinjavam se zbog toga ali morao sam da vam pokažem svu njegovu nekadašnju lepotu. Jos jednom se izvinjavam.

Good evening, dear friends, today I am taking you on another unforgettable tour, Bissingen - Nipenburg castle, once a real beauty and today a "horror" castle.
This is the only picture of what the castle used to look like, I found it on the internet, I apologize for that but I had to show you all its former beauty. I apologize once again.

Moja zemlja Srbija, oduvek je bila na raskrsnici sveta a i raznih carstva. Tako da je bogata istorijom i spomenicima kulture od dalekog istoka, Vizantije, Austrougarske. Dvorac se nalazi u malome selu Vlajkovac u blizini moga grada Vrsca. Dvorac je sagradjen 1859. godine sagradio ga je grof Djerdj Moconji. Kada se mlada grofica Georgina udala, za grofa Rudolfa Gabora Bisingen - Nipenburg u miraz je otišao i zamak i tako je dobio ime. U vlasništvu porodice Bisingen - Nipenburg ostaje do kraja 2. svetskog rata, kada na vlast dolazi komunistička vlast i preuzima ga. Nebrigom o dvorcu, dvorac polako propada i danas izgleda ovako, kao dvorac strave. Trenutno postoji plan i studija o rekonstrukciji dvorca, pa se svi nadamo da ce opet zasijati u svojoj lepoti kao nekada.

My country, Serbia, has always been at the crossroads of the world and various empires. So it is rich in history and cultural monuments from the Far East, Byzantium, Austria-Hungary.
The castle is located in the small village of Vlajkovac near my town of Vrsac. The castle was built in 1859 by Count Djerdj Moconji. When the young Countess Georgina got married, Count Rudolf Gabor of Bissingen - Knippenburg also received the castle as a dowry, which is how it got its name. It remained in the possession of the Bissingen-Knippenburg family until the end of World War II, when the communist government came to power and took it over.Due to neglect of the castle, the castle slowly decays and today it looks like this, like a castle of terror. There is currently a plan and a study on the reconstruction of the castle, so we all hope that it will once again shine in its beauty as before.










Dvorac se nalazi na rubu velikog i lepog parka, u koji se ulazi uskom stazom. U parku rastu i neki od jako retkih vrsta drveća. Na sredini parka nalazi se jezero na kome se nalazi ostrvo koje je povezano sa mostovima. Na sredini ostrva nekad se nalazila fontana sa skulpturom, nazalost fontana nije sacuvana. Jezero je povezano sa malim kanalima sa parkom, tako su drveća u parku uvek imala vodu. Danas u jezeru i kanalima postoji zivi vodeni svet, pa se mogu naci i pecaroši u parku. Mostovi su u jako losem stanju i nisu bezbedni za prelazak.

The castle is located on the edge of a large and beautiful park, which is entered by a narrow path. Some very rare species of trees grow in the park. In the middle of the park there is a lake on which there is an island connected by bridges. In the middle of the island there used to be a fountain with a sculpture, unfortunately the fountain was not preserved. The lake is connected to the park by small canals, so the trees in the park always had water. Today, there is a living aquatic world in the lake and canals, so you can also find fishermen in the park. The bridges are in a very bad condition and are not safe to cross.









Na samom rubu parka nalazi se dvorac, Jos uvek gordo stoji ali vreme ga je jako uništilo. Zbog ovakvog stanja u dvorac se nebi trebalo ulaziti, malo sam usao i veoma pazio.

At the very edge of the park there is a castle. It still stands proudly, but time has destroyed it. Because of this condition, you should not enter the castle, I entered a little and was very careful.











Stvarno strasno, osećam se tužno, zalosno i pomalo me stid nebrige svih nas, nadam se brzom rekonstrukcijom i da cu doci da ga posetim kada opet bude lep. Nekadašnju lepotu mozemo jos ponegde da vidimo na fasadi.

Really passionate, I feel sad, pitiful and a bit ashamed of the carelessness of all of us, I hope for a quick reconstruction and that I will come to visit him when he is beautiful again. We can still see the former beauty in some places on the facade.




Kao i svi zamkovi tako i ovaj ima svoje price i duhove. Pa tako mestani pricaju o poslednjoj grofici koja je zivela u njemu i to sama, pa se nocu cuje tiho saputanje i skripa dasaka poda. Ilije to samo vetar koji duva kroz slomljena stakla i daske dvorca.
Ovakav moze da posluzi za snimanje nekog horor filma. Do novog vidjenja u nekom lepom vremenu i nekoj novoj sredi kada ćemo ga opet posetiti.
Vas Ujka -VS

Like all castles, this one has its own stories and ghosts. That's how the locals talk about the last countess who lived there alone, so at night you can hear a quiet stumbling and creaking floorboards. It is only the wind blowing through the broken windows and boards of the castle
This one can be used for filming a horror movie. See you again in some nice weather and some new environment when we will visit him again.
Uncle -VS





beautiful grounds and such a grand castle

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

Thank you

It's such a pretty building. I hope the renovation project goes ahead, it would a shame if not.

I hope that the renovation will start. In my country Serbia there are many castles, fortified cities, monasteries and churches. Many have been preserved and renovated. My town Vrsac also has a fortified town and a fortress that is slowly being renovated to give it an old and beautiful look. My family and I took part in the renovation of an old church in my town.

in fact, many beautiful sites like old buildings are no longer maintained. it makes us sad. it happened in my area too.

wel, I quite enjoy the journey that you present on your blog. I have a suggestion, it will be better if you start to interact with other users, visit other people's posts, and leave your impressions or comments. it will be meaningful enough to support each other and build a better community

have a great day :)

Ok. Thank you very much.