Sredom setamo kroz tradiciju i istoriju- Wednesdays walk through tradition and history

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


Pozdrav dragi prijatelji. Danas vas vodim tu blizu, ispred svoje kuce, pricacu vam o jednoj tradiciji i istoriji, i kako se ona obelezava samo u mome gradu Vrscu u Srbiji, i nigde vise u svetu.

Hello dear friends. Today, I'm taking you near here, in front of my house, I'm going to tell you about a tradition and history, and how it is celebrated only in my town of Vrsac in Serbia, and nowhere else in the world.




Rec je o "Sekovanije" ova rec nepostoji u Engleskom jeziku a radi se o secanju na svetog Jovana, svetac koji je krstio Isusa Hrista, i velikog proroka.

We are talking about "Sekovanije", this word does not exist in the English language, and it is about the memory of St. John, the saint who baptized Jesus Christ, and the great prophet.



Noc kada je stradao sveti Jovan.

Kralj Irod zatvorio je svetog Jovana, inače ozenio je zenu svoga brata Irodijadu, koja je imala cerku Salomu, ona je igrala kralju Irodu koji je bio ocaran njome. Rekao je da moze da traži od njega bilo sta, a ona na nagovor majke tražila je glavu svetog Jovana to jest da ga ubije odsecanjem glave. Tako je nastradao sveti Jovan.

The night when St. John was martyred.

King Herod imprisoned Saint John, otherwise he married his brother's wife Herodias, who had a daughter Salome, she played for King Herod who was enchanted by her. He said that he could ask anything from him, and she, at the persuasion of her mother, asked for the head of St. John, that is, to kill him by cutting off his head. That's how St. John died.



E sad, kako i zašto stanovnici Vrsca imaju tradiciju i secanje na svetog Jovana niko nezna. Ta prica toliko je stara da se niko neseca, otac prica sinu, sin svome sinu i tako hiljadama godina.

Now, no one knows how and why the inhabitants of Vrsac have a tradition and memory of St. John. That story is so old that no one remembers it, father tells his son, son tells his son, and so on for thousands of years.



Kako se obelezava.
Domaćin poziva prijatelje da dodju predveče kod njega, ja pozivam prijatelje, pali se vatra ispred kuce, peku se kobasice, pije vino,jede grozdje i vruca pogaca. Sedi se duboko u noc dok se sve ne pojede i popije.
E sad postoji jos jedna prica vezana za ovaj dogadjaj. Posto je moj kraj poznat po vinogradima grozdju i vinu, ovaj dan se obelezava i kao pocetak berbe grozdja. Bivša Jugoslavija imala je komunističku vlast koja je zabranila sve sto je imalo veze sa Bogom i crkvom. Nasi stari dedovi setili se kako da odaju počast svome omiljenom svecu, sveti Jovan se najviše slavi u Srbiji. Oni su odlazili u vinograd i tamo pekli kobasice kao najbrže pripremljen obrok. Tako su brali vinograd i slavili svog sveca Jovana.

How it is marked.
The host invites his friends to come to his place in the evening, I invite my friends, a fire is lit in front of the house, sausages are roasted, wine is drunk, grapes are eaten and scones are hot. It sits deep into the night until everything is eaten and drunk.
Now there is another story related to this event. Since my region is known for its grape and wine vineyards, this day is also marked as the beginning of the grape harvest.The ex Yugoslavia had a communist government that banned everything that had to do with God and the church. Our old grandfathers remembered how to honor their favorite saint, St. John is celebrated the most in Serbia. They went to the vineyard and baked sausages there as the fastest prepared meal. So they harvested the vineyard and celebrated their saint John.



Vratimo se na sam dogadjaj. Spremaju se drva za vatru, najbolje kobasice i prilozi, iznosi se astal i stolice i sluzi se najbolje Vrsacko vino. Ko voli pivo sok. Vatra se pali ogradjena sa ciglama ili u rostilju.kobasice se peku na vatri ili zaru, na zicu ili rostilju. Okupljaju se deca jer tradicija mora da se odrazi. Kobasice su vrlo ukusne, a druzenje traje dugo u noc. Ovaj dogadjaj desava se samo u gradu Vrscu i nigde vise.

Let's go back to the event itself. Wood for the fire, the best sausages and side dishes are prepared, the table and chairs are brought out and the best Vrsac wine is served. Who likes beer juice. The fire is lit surrounded by bricks or in a grill. Children gather because tradition must be reflected. The sausages are very tasty, and the company lasts long into the night. This event takes place only in the city of Vrsac and nowhere else.



Eto dragi prijatelji malo tradicije iz moga kraja i grada Vrsca. Ko ima prilike moze da poseti moj kraj, koji je prelep a u kome se obelezava i dani berbe grozdja po 64 put. Traje proslava nekoliko dana u septembru uz vasar, Luna park, folklor, pesmu igru vino i grozdje.

Pozdrav od Ujka- vs

Here, my dear friends, is a bit of tradition from my region and the town of Vrsac. Anyone who has the opportunity can visit my region, which is beautiful and where grape harvest days are celebrated 64 times. The celebration lasts for several days in September, with summer festival, Luna park, folklore, song, dance, wine and grapes.

Greetings from Uncle- vs


This is a Wednesday Walk post i love tells us all a story and such an interesting one of your tradition there

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thanks tattoodjay

Que maravilloso es compartir con la familia gracias por compartir saludos.

Gracias yenire17