The photos from the Vivo sensor 32Mpx manual camera are almost the same as macro photos

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago (edited)

A little story from me for #WednesdayWalk about an activity that I did today, even though today is not Wednesday, but I'm a little late finding beautiful moments to share today.

I start this activity from the morning, when I wake up from my sleep and think about what I should do for the day. I looked confused for a while, then I rushed to take a shower so my body became fresher. I also had time to go to a coffee shop to look for snacks that I could eat, and of course accompanied by a cup of hot coffee, it was my habit before starting the activity. But that's not what I want to talk about here, I want to tell a little about the photos I took while walking in a park near where I live. I did this activity when I finished sitting from the coffee shop, while walking I also enjoyed the scenery in front of me. However, I didn't find any objects that I could shoot using my camera, then I continued this activity while looking for objects that might look beautiful and different from what I had previously found.

When I arrived at a garden filled with thick grass and a little trash there, I saw a small flower that was bright white in color. But at first I wasn't interested in the little flower, because the camera I was using didn't seem to be able to shoot it clearly. I think small objects like this are only for cameras that use macro tools that can shoot them, and the results are more perfect than manual cameras.

At that time I started to think, why don't I try it first? and I was determined to try to shoot it using a manual camera at a very close distance, because the Vivo Sensor 32Mpx camera has a mode that is almost similar to macro mode, but not so perfect. the result.

Several times I tried to shoot it from different directions, and of course the camera sensor was very close to the object. The results made me wonder and smile a little there, because the photos I got were pretty good to look at, they look like #macrophotography but use a manual camera.

You can judge for yourself on the photos below, these photos are original from manual cameras without macro tools.

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Although I'm a little overwhelmed in making high focus on this flower, but certainly from the many photos that I get only a few photos that I can save there.

I also had time to make portrait mode on this object, so I can get perfection in these photos. I'm a little doubtful about the result, but maybe I think it's very good when compared to the results of my previous photos.

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Not only did I find a small flower there, but I also saw a tree that was dead or had been cut down by someone. I tried shooting the tree in landscape mode, so it looks really pretty in the final result.

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

Vivo sensor 32Mpx

With the photos I got today, it just makes me happier, because I can find what I want at this moment. Everything related to nature is my goal, moreover its beauty is very fresh to enjoy.

The location of this photo is right in Aceh, Indonesia. With the coordinates number is 5.189839,97.137800

Thanks to all of you who are here, all the activities of the people here are very interesting to see. And also thank you all for your support, may we always be happy.


I started to think, why don't I try it first? and I was determined to try to shoot it using a manual camera at a very close distance


Elegantly captured flowers! I am glad you took a chance using your Vivo Sensor 32Mpx camera. Spring is finally here!

Keep up the good work! @xoxois💯

Upvoted and curated

I am still very curious about the beauty of nature, including the knick-knacks in the forest.
Thanks again for that.

@tipu curate

Thank you very much for your support and presence here friend @ninahaskin and @tipu 🥰🥰

You're welcome! @xoxois
Beautiful flower photography to start off
the new month of April

Here's another hashtag for you to use #alwaysaflower


Maybe next post I'll try to use #alwaysaflower

You can always edit your post to add/change a hashtag!✍😉

Doesn't that look bad?
But I'll give it a try for now. 😁🥰🥰

I don't think so!😎

The coco did a wonderful job they are beautiful photos

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

With #WednesdayWalk everyone can explore the world virtually :-D
Thank you @tattoodjay for dropping by here 🥰🥰

oops of course i meant the Vivo but auto correct changed it LOL

Even if only with Vivo but now it's my mainstay 😉

andf why not it clearly works so well

I thought so too, but I learned a lot from your way in this field 🤗🤗

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