New Painting from the Live Painting Session yesterday

in OnChainArt3 years ago


Some snapshots of a new painting, begun yesterday during our Live Painting Session.


It was a brilliant space with lots of deep conversation and sharing - and though I've been painting for over 35 years and have a set 'approach', I felt a new energy of expression coming through...


This is very significant for me, as I tend to take a long time to finish a painting - often many months, or even several years.


The very idea of painting 'lightly' and not building up many, many layers on an Artwork, is powerfully liberating for me!


I'm coming to more freedom and 'lightness', through epic conversations that have sprung up naturally online, as mainstream 'life' has become increasingly bonnkers and restricting.


It's a potent space, to talk freely, openly, without restrictions - and let what wants to be expressed, come into Being.

Looking forward to the next sessions!

Blessings to all in your creative and co-creative expansion!
