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RE: A sketch and watercolour study I "think" I've never shared before.

in OnChainArt4 years ago

You know I AM going to work on this, actually I've already been laying down some base colour and underpainting in digital oil, so yes LOOK for her soon. AND I will 100 PERCENT know she was not shared on the block chain before LOL.

Also, I didn't know that Hive was the same blockchain as Steemit? I'm so not really understanding much of blockchain, though I'm supportive of it as well as owning some crypto.

Good luck with your country and opening. I still get an odd feeling when I go to a market that has security guards and people with clipboards counting. I honestly Don't know how we got here, but what can you do? eh?


It's not the same anymore XD do you remember when all the shenanigans was happening? Hive forked off steem shortly after that and so it has everything from steem up to the point of the fork, which is why all your old stuff is still here. Now we're doing our own thing and they're doing their own thing.