A sketch and watercolour study I "think" I've never shared before.

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)

Here is a watercolour made last year


It was a watercolour study for a digital oil I was hoping to do. And in fact, I've now put it in my 'get to it' folder.

I feel the need now to place a "Trigger Warning" that This image MAY have appeared on the interwebs once before:


after my little 'meltdown' about the hivewatchers

Surely I was possibly being overdramatic

but I do honestly feel that as artists OF COURSE we shall share our same images multiple times. We are our own marketing companies, mostly. And I DO understand copying and pasting over and over the same post is NOT good, but sometimes I feel like when BLANKET rules come up the "baby gets thrown out with the bathwater",

That is to say, when some are bad All are punished.

But, I digress...

It is a lovely day out so here is the sketch for this piece (AGAIN I don't think I've shared it before, but honestly NOT sure)


If I have done, do forgive or REALIZE this is a new concept in which it is being shared. AND, I might add is a prelude to my most likely now doing it up in oil, which is also good for me.

My state is still in a form of lock down

and we are NOT sure when that will be lifted. It has affected me not too greatly as we were never much for going out anyway. Now, restaurants are 'allowed' to have 50% occupance INSIDE whilst a week ago only OUTDOORS.

More retail is opening and the like. Though I live in an area of Summer people, and do have a side gig of Summer rental of my beloved little Cape Cod cottage, it is NOT open for business as phase 2 was too complicated for me to even consider it.

Thus, though it is July it feels as if it is still March and I am 'waiting' for the Summer rental season to begin...and it never does...and the days stretch onward ceaselessly one into another

and I am not completely upset with that.

I hope your part of the world is good and happy

and one wonders what the Autumn shall bring. 2020 is a bit of an odd dream. I keep wondering if I've Pushed too hard on an adjacent reality and slipped into the wrong timeline? Who can say, I've not encountered myself so perhaps there is 'another me' wondering, "Heavens a world without strife and ceaseless rules, how lovely" Ah... I am jealous of that me.

Well this ME says have a lovely day

and I hope all are enjoying whatever form of reality they are currently living.

As always, like share subscribe and all those good things.




I like to think that they're not dumb enough to ping people for posting stuff on the rest of the internet, that would make hive go the way of Narrative. I think they're only pinging things they pick up that have been posted on this particular blockchain previously (because remember we still have everything that was on steem up to a certain point), and hopefully they're refining.

It's probably also being done so "trigger warnings" won't help :)

If you're not currently working on more compelling things this one looks like a cute one to continue XD

Stupid virus wise things are going pretty well over here, borders seem to be remaining firmly closed, no new cases, no community transmission, we're slowly working our way back towards normal but there's still excessive cleaning regiments we're having to do at activities and still social distancing marks in all the shops and things because of what's happening everywhere else so I guess we're being careful.

You know I AM going to work on this, actually I've already been laying down some base colour and underpainting in digital oil, so yes LOOK for her soon. AND I will 100 PERCENT know she was not shared on the block chain before LOL.

Also, I didn't know that Hive was the same blockchain as Steemit? I'm so not really understanding much of blockchain, though I'm supportive of it as well as owning some crypto.

Good luck with your country and opening. I still get an odd feeling when I go to a market that has security guards and people with clipboards counting. I honestly Don't know how we got here, but what can you do? eh?

It's not the same anymore XD do you remember when all the shenanigans was happening? Hive forked off steem shortly after that and so it has everything from steem up to the point of the fork, which is why all your old stuff is still here. Now we're doing our own thing and they're doing their own thing.

Very nice sketch.

Why, thank you so much @javier.dejuan

I like the dogs.

 4 years ago  

Aww it's so cute :3

but I do honestly feel that as artists OF COURSE we shall share our same images multiple times. We are our own marketing companies, mostly. And I DO understand copying and pasting over and over the same post is NOT good, but sometimes I feel like when BLANKET rules come up the "baby gets thrown out with the bathwater",

I'm definitely worried about this :S I've posted some of my stuff on other websites and I wonder if I'll get flagged for that eventually. However, my hope is that they take all appeals seriously, so anyone not actually abusing the system would surely get unbanned.

Unbanned from what?

 4 years ago  

Well blacklisted, not banned I think from Hive by hivewatchers

Can't be banned off hive XD Can have ugly marks put next to your username on front ends that use the blacklist and possibly even be muted off them and can have your posts reduced to zero but nothing can stop you from posting if you really want to :)

And seriously if concerned perhaps jumping on the discord and finding someone to talk to may help alleviate them. These kinds of things are hard to do and no one wants to do them but everyone wants it done as long as it doesn't inconvenience them personally XD and especially in the early stages of ironing out kinks they're going to generate false positives and stress people out. So try not to get too stressed about getting pinged or the possibility thereof :)

 4 years ago  

I agree ^^
And yeah I've a tendency to worry unnecessarily :P But working on improving that
Thank you :D

You and me both @kristyglas and I probably DID get too miffed over this, but I feel so protective of Hive/Steemit so to be 'seen' as an 'abuser' was upsetting to me lol. But @ryivhnn is probably right :)

hola!! es muy hermosa!!