
Hi @Isaria, cool art, as always! You really have some awesome stylings going!

Peripherally related — I'm sure you have other things on your mind — do you have any idea what's going on with the @creativecoin front end? It has been offline for a week now... and the Discord seems more or less dead. I know you and @swelker101 were driving forces in setting it up... is the project still alive? Or should I be asking someone else?

 3 years ago  

Thank you :)
Sorry, I have not been well healthwise lately so I don't know what is going on with creativecoin. I will let Shane know about the front end problem. Also just fyi you can use any front-end and still receive the token by just using the creativecoin tag.

Thanks for the reply... hope you get to feeling better soon!

Great work

 3 years ago  
