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RE: Forward!!!

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Stunning, just too stunning. I've always wondered what the cover on the face meant but then I realised you just explained it today. The future is full of uncertainties and we don't know what it brings. When it comes to art, there isn't a one direction, it's like many voices speaking to you and you're trying hard to chose the best. The colours on the wheelchair are really cool and I think it's perfect, the dark colors of the mannequin and how it blinks. Well done, my favourite artist by all mile

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much! Glad you like everything about it. :D

When it comes to art, there isn't a one direction, it's like many voices speaking to you and you're trying hard to chose the best.

So true. And sometimes it seems like a lot of choices are the best, or what we think are the best, then we move on and find another 'best' until we realize some of our decisions aren't actually even good. lol Life is complicated

Yeah, exactly then it's finished, it's like we can even do better than we've already done but then that's how it feels to generally be creative. You keep getting better by the way. its been a long time