Portrait of the Beautiful Model Weronika Spyrka

in OnChainArt4 years ago

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Hello everyone in the Hive community

Hello everyone in the community, first of all I apologize because I previously said that I was going to be more constant but in reality I am having a hard time drawing these days, but I have managed to make a drawing and although it is not a work of art to me I liked it a lot, for this portrait I used as a reference a model that I found on Pinterest but since I found her so beautiful and photogenic, I decided to do what every man who is interested in a woman does and is to google her and I found her name Weronika Spyrka , a very interesting name and some photos even more, so for those who want to draw beautiful portraits I recommend this model; and now if we go to the phases of the Portrait.

Phases of the Portrait

Naturally my dear watsons, we start with the structure to try to make everything stay in place or at least get closer.

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This time I decided to go straight with the eyes, nose and mouth of the model and I also gave her a little pass with the hb to the whole face; tell them that at this point that right eye was bothering me a lot so later I had to redo it.

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Here, having already been satisfied with the features of the face, he decided to shade all the part of the skin of the portrait, that is, neck, shoulders and face; first with several capable of Hb until perceiving that the graphite began to shine and went to a softer pencil to give it much more depth; With the first layer of hb that I gave the portrait, I realized that I did not want to blur, that is why it has that texture, I am a fan of artistic works that show a certain roughness in the line.

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From here I start with my favorite part, the hair, to which I give a first pass of the hb pencil but to be honest I stagnate for a long time since as the portrait did not square well on the sheet of paper I could not draw the complete hair and I It made me quite uncomfortable but after a while I managed to move forward.

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To finish the portrait, go over the part of the hair first with a 4B pencil and then with a 6B, giving it a fairly correct dark but not enough but that later it would resolve and also bring out some highlights to the face, finally with an image editor. I darkened the part of the hair a little more and gave it a vintage touch that I particularly love I think it gives that touch that the posters of the most wanted vandalism of the west had, and with that this portrait would be finished which If I'm not mistaken, it took me three or four hours, so I await your comments and see you in the next portrait.

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Used Materials

  • Mechanical Pencil HB
  • Hb pencil
  • Pencil B4, B6
  • Sketchbook With beige sheet
  • Eraser
  • Cotton

Original Image


Thank you very much for your support

Pencil Portrait of a Monster of the Great Aris KolokontesBeautiful girl - Portrait with blurred background technique


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