Painting Every Day During April - Day 28 - The Faroe Islands 🇫🇴

in OnChainArt • 3 years ago


A Painting A Day, Day 28

This was my Day 28 painting for the pleinairpril challenge, this time of a scene of the Faroe Islands!

The Faroe Islands is the North Atlantic archipelago located 320 km north-north-west of Scotland, and about halfway between Norway and Iceland.

Another place I really want to visit!

Painted in Adobe Photoshop.

You can view my daily paintings from my

Day 27 Here

Day 26 Here

Day 24 & 25 here

Day 23 here

Day 22 painting here

Day 21 painting here

My day 20 painting here

My Day 19 here

Thank you for viewing,



Lovely piece! Reminds me of the Calf of Man (a 1/2 mile-wide island just off the island where I live), one of my favourite places on earth :)

Thank you very much! Oh really, where is that?

I live on the Isle of Man - a Celtic island in the middle of the Irish Sea. It's a beautiful place steeped in history and myth, and the sea is never very far from view.

Here's a pic of the "Drinking Dragon" - which your lovely artwork brought to mind. It's a small rock that lies just south of the Calf, which in turn lies just south of the main island.

Here's a pic of the cliffs as we chugged along from the main island onto the Calf, last summer.

Thank you very much! Oh really, where is that?