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RE: Showcase Sunday - The Duncannon colection 1999 to 2004

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)

I think I remember some of these!

I don't get why people feel a need to trample sand thingies (or deliberately destroy anything really), sure it might feel satisfying or be "fun" but it's such a pathetic loser thing to do.

Addendum: this only applies to destroying other people's thingies, if you're destroying your own that's fine XD

I love the aerial view one at the end XD

 4 years ago  

Over the many years I have had several sculptures trashed in the night. I really think it is these peoples way of proving they exist. like dogs peeing on a corner to show that it is their territory. You will have to forgive me if my philosophy on this is not really worked out, to be honest I can understand this mentality.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.