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RE: Showcase-Sunday: Return of The Past Away Mega Post

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Ahh I remember this one. I was just scrubbing through thinking jeez there's a lot of terrified faces oh yeh zombies XD I love that gothic townhouse thing.


Yea I predicted the future pretty well there. The idea was that rent prices increased in already dense cities so people had to just keep building up. So the rent crisis is right on point, now I'm just waiting for people to remodel houses by adding extra floors.

Would they be able to afford the council rates never mind the renovation costs? XD

or maybe your council rates aren't like ours XD

I don't even know what a council rate is :)

Money we have to pay the local council yearly for bins and other associated city services. I remember looking into precisely what they were supposed to be for about a hundred million years ago, can't remember any of it now XD Maybe you're lucky and don't have to pay them, or they're called something else :)

Yea, they're just called something else/maybe handled differently. A lot of that stuff is privatized so you pay a company for it.