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RE: Mermaid 3D Printing Miniature Design

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Are the scales armour/clothes or just there in which case why are there mammaries? :D

Don't actually mind me too much I always overthink anatomy x_x it makes me wonder things like are the tentacles on the front functional or aesthetic.

Meanwhile this actually looks fantastic.


Oh no, you're asking dangerous questions ;) But if I was trying to make mermaids more realistic I'd say scales are part of her body, and she is a mammal closer to a walrus or dolphin (I know aquatic mammals don't have scales). Most sea mammals are usually pretty vocal too, so her songs would also make more sense.
I've added the tentacles there so the human anatomy and fish part transition is a bit smoother, especially on the back side - I wanted her to have her curves, and fish body with human butt just glued to it looked kind of weird ;) Also, thanks for commenting!

wanted her to have her curves, and fish body with human butt just glued to it looked kind of weird

Bahahaha it does rather, I have similar issues with centaurs (where people have had the human hips AND the horse shoulders purely because they want the curves, but anatomically the human hips should probably BE the horse shoulders XD), I do love the thought you put into the design :D

I always try to cover it with armor or clothing on centaurs. Some mythical creatures are pretty crazy. I try to not overthink it....does a centaur have double the number of organs for both human and horse body parts?