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RE: Painter On The Dime! || How to make cheap underpaitings

in OnChainArtlast year

Clever idea making your own paint boards!!!

And this image is also so cleverly constructed. I love how you combine biology with art. The bone structure starts off so clear, so visible... and ends up more of a hint of the inner structure and workings of the physical body. And a beautiful tryptich to end the post. Bravo!


I have a great fondness for anatomy in general, but I feel all the time that it is my Achilles foot. Nevertheless - I am working on it:)

Plus, I didn't want to draw attention from the model face to his body. That's why I kept face more or less clean drawn. Haven't touched charcoal for ages, but I think I will work with it more in the future. I like working with my hands :)

Clever idea making your own paint boards!!!

I think it can be really cool idea for art classes or just to show kinds at home:)

It worked really well!!!