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RE: I honestly thought I forgot how to draw.

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Looks beautiful, As expected from you Rang. I understand the feeling of losing your drawing skills haha. It usually comes back to me and it always felt like a starting trouble that's all.

 2 years ago  

omg you're heeeere! 🥳

it always felt like a starting trouble that's all.

i'm thinking this, too! once i get over it, it just seems to all come back to me. 😂

Yep, crimsonowl told me about the site and straykat helped me make an account here. Better late than never right?

 2 years ago  

i'm glad you made it! i wish i could be more active both here on hive and on noise, it'd be nice to read your work process here~ have fuuun (and earn 😆).

p.s. i didn't know crimsonowl's here 😱 i first met straykat here and was surprised she was over there at noise, too 😆
p.p.s. so sorry this reply took a while! (;´д`)ゞ

It's totally fine. I know you are busy with work. I read some old post of yours and figured out that's why you were not very active in noisecash.