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RE: Introduceyourself - Stow

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Dang, missed opportunity! 😂

But how about this - since illustrations are not in my wheelhouse, but stealing pop culture gifs and twisting them to my purpose tweaking gifs definitely is, I present to you...

And I just submitted your profile to Hive Watchers for verification and added you to some Discord anti-abuse bots, so you should get a message at some point (as a reply to this post). It's more for curators who are doing their due diligence, but it will be handy for you to have in case anyone ever questions if you're a dirty rotten content stealer who you say you are. 😁

I look forward to seeing what you create, and in return I'm...


Still does the trick! Hope to see more of them pretty soon lol

And I can't thank you enough about the verification issue 🙏

We're going to create crazy things over here so stay tuned