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RE: UNIQUE | 獨特的 !

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Loved how you managed to make the rimlight work really well. When I do them, I usually blow them up to x10 times the key light just to make them work well, and I have no idea why it doesn't work.. maybe because of the limitations of raster technology. How do you get such an awesome rim on BOTH sides of the geometry?

Also, nice to see you use Redshift. One day I will use that engine again, probably from Blender though. Keep up the awesome work, and also.. great modeling!

 3 years ago  

ah thanks my friend :) , mm Usually for rim lights its all about placements, I usually keep them as same value as the key light and just arrange them around the shadow area's, I think if you building your lights try to use Area lights as it seems got better cover than strong lights such as ( Directional ) . can try create your frim first and then add in the Key and Fill see how it goes :)

Blender is nice btww, I think all render engines can give u nice results you just need to understand how to connect your shaders with the light

Wait... Connecting shaders to lights? Like linking in a lamp to a material for an extra pop?

Thanks for the excellent tip. I will definitely give it a go. The idea of first key then run the shadow of do from only then key is a good one.

 3 years ago  

When you create your lights your shades will react accordingly. Its about balancing your lights values with your shades. So nothing gets over or under exposed with lights.

No worries :) can try out and let me know !

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