My experience visiting the Voxels Metaverse/ Hive NFT art gallery

in OnChainArt6 months ago


Hello friends!! Nice to greet you, I tell you that a few days ago I received the notification from @go-kyo, who has done a great job together with the collaboration of talented and helpful people from the NFT Showroom Gallery, with their permission to publish and make them come my joy. Go-kyo has presented its NFT collection in the art gallery in the Voxels Metaverse, where it presents its acquisitions of NFT works, for the joy of this wonderful way of experiencing art, one of my works that was acquired by Go-kyo It is displayed there. As an artist, receiving appreciation for my art is very motivating, having someone buy one of your works is magnificent, and having it later spread and displayed on a digital platform in the metaverse has been a great experience. From the moment you access Voxels, you can move around as if you were playing Minecraft, it is very exciting, since the sounds, the ambient music are very pleasant, you advance and soon you find the NFT gallery that Go-kyo collects , you can appreciate works by talented artists, both on the ground floor and on the first floor:

@juliakponsford @djynn @albiro2050 @manclar @akipponn @kobusu @sembrandounpais @koto-art @soufianechakrouf @yadamaniart @doze
I like this way of presenting art, it is more dynamic and gives you the feeling that you are immersed in this world, thank you very much for making me participate, I enjoyed it a lot with my loved ones.
I share the link to the Voxels Metaverse gallery, in case you want to experience it too. Do not miss it!!

Hola amigos!! gusto en saludarlos, les comento que hace unos días recibí la notificación de @go-kyo, quien ha realizado un genial trabajo junto a la colaboración de gente talentosa y servicial de la Galeria NFT Showroom, con el permiso de ellos para poder publicar y hacerles llegar mi alegría. Go-kyo ha presentado su colección NFT en la galería de arte en el Metaverse de Voxels, donde presenta sus adquisiciones de obras de NFT, para la alegría de esta maravillosa forma de experimentar arte, una de mis obras que fue adquirida por Go-kyo está exhibida allí. Como artista recibir la apreciación de mi arte es muy motivante, que alguien compre una de tus obras es magnífico, además, que luego la difundan y muestren en una plataforma digital en el metaverso, ha sido una experiencia genial. Desde el momento que se accede a Voxels, puedes desplazarte como si jugaras a minecraft, es muy emocionante, ya que los sonidos, la música de ambiente son muy agradable, avanzas y al poco te encuentras con la galería de NFT que colecciona Go-kyo, puedes apreciar obras de artistas talentosos, tanto en planta baja como en el primer piso:

@juliakponsford @djynn @albiro2050 @manclar @akipponn @kobusu @sembrandounpais @koto-art @soufianechakrouf @yadamaniart @doze
Me gusta esta forma de presentar arte, es más dinámica y te da la sensación que estas inmerso en este mundo, muchas gracias por hacerme participe, lo disfrute mucho junto a mis seres queridos.
Les comparto el enlace de la galería en Metaverse de Voxels, por si deseas experimentarlo tú también. No te lo pierdas!!

Metaverse de Voxels




Accede y experimenta el Metaverse de Voxels
Access and experience the Voxels Metaverse

Viviana Villafañe

Let's connect on:
Instagram | Twitter | Nftshowroom | Objkt | Opensea

I hope you like it, thanks. | Espero que les guste, gracias.



Thanks for visiting the gallery. Seeing the works of art displayed in a 3D space like this is quite different from seeing them on a collection page. All of your work is very nice, but I especially love this "Mystical soul" which I purchased last month🥰

Thanks to NFT Showroom and juliakponsford for this opportunity!

Thank you very much for appreciating my art and for acquiring them, it makes me very happy and motivates me to move forward!!! Alma Mistica has great dedication, from analog to digital, the mask was made with the digitization of watercolor drops treated and converted into a brush, it was a work made with a lot of love 🥰. Thank you for purchasing it and enjoying it.

Yay! 🤗
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