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RE: The passing of a local legend- my Wonderful, warm, caring, compassionate and hilarious Dad.

I have been doing fine. Just getting older and slowing down in my senior citizen years. Yes, I introduced you to KIVA, the company that does microfinancing of loans to impoverished countries. Most of the loans are to women. Well, we all know who the stabilizers are in the family! The men will sometimes spend the money in town on non-essential family items. It's an excellent program. You may want to get into one of a group of lenders, so that your money is pooled with others.

Yes, the good old days when things were slow and parents had time to spend with children. Life was good. Sometimes hectic, but good. Those days are just a memory of what family could be.

Take care.


Glad to hear that you're doing well. And unfortunately old age is going to get us all- it just depends on your attitude and how you get there and I'm pretty sure I'll be kicking and trying to scream my way out! 🤣

Yes, I just checked out Kiva and am really impressed and happy to know that it's still going strong. I haven't actually ever forgotten about it- just the name!

I checked out many of the requests and have found a few that I would love to support, but not quite yet- When the inheritance comes through, but it's not going to be huge, but I'd still like to become involved in this because I think its a great way to support people, so thank you.

And it will be a great way to make new memories and help others make new memories with their families too.

The good thing about Kiva is that you don't have to choose Africa. You can choose to support anyone from any country that has qualified for a loan. A great initiative.

Thanks so much for the engagement. Good luck with this and your continued Hive journey. Take care.


Ah yes, so true, but I do want to choose so many of the African nations- and everyone else too!
Wish I was getting millions!

No matter the amount you are able to give, I can just see the faces of those deserving individuals as they celebrate you for helping make their dreams come true.

Take care.

Yes me too and I've actually told a few friends about it and they have all said that it's a brilliant idea, so hopefully we'll be able to help more people out there!

They and I like the idea of that same amount being able to go around and around as many times as you want it to.

I have also developed (in my brain so far) a great way to combine it and Hive onboarding too, so stay tuned! 😃

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