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RE: Final Round 10 of the Hivechess Tournament S10 : 18 March: Full live coverage viedo

in The Chess Community2 years ago (edited)

That Queen blunder man, I was thinking "What's going on, is he not concentrated? Or he wants to win with odds?" haha now I see it was a true third move blunder haha and I realized how bad my position was so, being a full piece up I wanted to get as many pieces off the board as soon as possible to capitalize on that piece advantage, the endgame mistake of giving you the f pawn made me lose, but I had the advantage! Good game and great round from you!


It was a knight blunder as I saw some ghosts :)
Your 3 point advantage was going away pawn after pawn.
The endgame with 3 pawns more would have been very easy to win for you. So it was correct to exchange stuff, but then you lost track of your pawns by trying to checkmate me. In the next game in the stream you see how I try to defend my pawns at al costs, as against a stronger opponent I am lost with only one pawn less. Anyway, good game!