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RE: Final Round 10 of the Hivechess Tournament S10 : 18 March: Full live coverage viedo

in The Chess Community2 years ago

Congrats to your victory!
I think my doom started with 21. Reg1??. I had moved that rook to e1 before, not to let your knight escape to e3. In the next move I wanted to play 21. Rhg1 to attack the knight g4. Unfortunately (for me) I had touched the rook at e1 with the mouse without noticing it, and when I then clicked at g1, the wrong rook was moving there.
After your knight went to e3, I think youk had already a very comfortable position, and 22. ... Qf5! was a really good move (I had expected the knight to go to f5).


Thanks! I know that analyzing blitz games makes not too much of sense. But for me was important that I not fall for a trick in the opening :) Then the time trouble comes into play ...