Restoring the faded headlamps

in AFuckedUpCommunity3 years ago (edited)

I guess this is one of the sweaty day after many moons I've been stuck at home being a lazy bastard, and finally decided I will use my own hand to fix some DIY work in order to save some money.



Tondo that, I use Kling klong spray, aeresol spray paint clear coat.


Well, I can choose to replace it with a new OEM part, for 80 bucks. But thinking of the car is going to go on sale, I might as well try to save as much as possible, so I decided to be cheap and choose to restore it instead. Rather than throw away a pair of headlamp, bad for environment and bad for the pocket.


For a little over 5 bucks, and 2 hours of sweat, finally manage to restore it. Not 100% looks like new, but at least no need to struggle driving at night time. Worth it or not? May or may not, the point is, I just don't wanna spend more.

 3 years ago  

Very cool. Try adding diy in the tags

 3 years ago  

Thanks buddy. 🙂


 3 years ago  

yeah! mood strike🤣

something about doing stuff with your own hands..
next is build your own car.

 3 years ago  

May not be buddy. I like to work on something which already has a platform. I don't create stuff, but I like to make changes and or restore something broken to its original condition or close to the original condition, that brings me pleasure 🙂 Whilst I'm working on the little white car, there's another yellow car sitting nearby which waiting for me to give it some love 😂

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