The Life Path 人生行路 [English and Japanese]

in Hive JA9 days ago


The Life Path

This is a great view of the road near my house. This is not a lookoff, but the view is very clear. I see a beautiful valley from here. The road curves to the right. I sometimes feel like flying when I turn the corner here.

We have many expressions that are connected to the road. I think the expression "Paths are made by walking" by Franz Kafka is very interesting.

My life path has been changing these past years. Whenever I go through this curve, I feel like my direction is going somewhere different. I don't like super high-tech roller coasters, but I like the older classic roller coasters. When I go through this curve, I feel like I am on a classic roller coaster, like listening to "Everyday" by Buddy Holly.

I'm not sure about my destination on this life path yet, but it's not a scary path anymore, I hope. Oh, by the way, I am changing the topic suddenly, but I love to listen to a Japanese old song called "Jinsei Ichiro (Life on a Straight Road)" by Hibari Misora. This song makes me very cheerful because the singer wears a beautiful kimono and sings a very cool song with a great rhythm.

Japanese 日本語








Thank you for reading!



Really cool picture. How did you do that? Put an AI filter over an actual pic?

Thank you! Yes, I took an actual photo, filtered it with some apps, and then changed the colours!

Really good result 👍🏻

素敵な しゃしん 😀


わたし も 😀



I'm not sure about my destination on this life path yet, but it's not a scary path anymore

I can sense the positivity here. Just expecting a sure and straight line path where only Happiness is waiting.

Thank you! I am glad that you sense the positive energy through my comment. I really hope so too! Some say our life is like a roller coaster, but I don't want to go down too much anymore!