飛行機の座席はどこがより心地よいのか?Which Airplane Seat Is More Comfortable? [Japanese and English]

in Hive JA8 months ago (edited)

English is below.















Which Airplane Seat Is More Comfortable?

I wrote about a dog-friendly topic the other day and was thinking about airplane seats as well. When I went to Japan last year, the flight was pretty full, even with mandatory proof of negative results from the COVID-19 test. I thought there would be more empty seats, but there weren't.

When I flew on a domestic airline to get to Toronto Airport, it was quick and comfortable because it was less than 3 hours. From Toronto to Tokyo, it takes about 14 hours or more. Then, we need to care about comfortable seats as much as possible unless you can book the business class or first class. Economy class seats are usually very tight. Which seats are comfortable for you?

I used to prefer the window seats because I could create my zone easily next to the window. I was happy making a comfortable spot for myself using the wall. If I was with my buddy, it was more comfortable because we didn't need to use armrests. I felt quite spacious.

However, if I fly by myself, I prefer to book aisle seats because I have space next to me even though I have to be careful about my legs sticking out on the aisle. I can go to the washroom easily without asking people to move for me all the time.

I like the emergency exit seats as well because there is wide space in front of me, allowing me to stretch my legs easily. Also, in front of the middle wall seats are comfortable, having a wider space in front of me.

I also like to sit in an aisle seat at the back. Sometimes, I stretch my body in front of the back window near the washroom. It's also quiet at night.

I don't feel comfortable in the middle seats for 3-4 people in front of the washroom because too many people are around me. Also, I can hear the toilet flushing sound constantly. However, if I'm lucky, the flight attendant might give me a whole seat at the back if there's nobody except me. I can stretch my legs on the seat and sleep comfortably.

This is my imaginatively ideal seat: An individual seat, like a first-class, is totally covered by a clear rooftop and soft material side walls. A fluffy sofa bed is for sleeping and for sitting or eating, we can have a first-class type of seat next to it. My imaginative design and interior of the airplane are like the space shuttle from the movie '2001: A Space Odyssey.' Oh, I just noticed that could be just a private jet plane.

Anyway, I like to imagine creating a comfortable space for myself all the time. How about your favourite airplane seats?






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私はトイレに気兼ねなく立ちたくてこの数年は通路側派です :)


Very cool my friend. I am a Toronto airport worker. If you travelled during winter you probably went down my de-icing bay, and me and my team de-iced your aircraft.