DeepL Translate is excellent, but DeepL翻訳は優秀ですが

in Hive JA8 months ago (edited)

The photo shows the baked cheesecake and tea I had at Doutor coffee shop in Hachiman on January 17th.

As the title suggests, DeepL Translate is very helpful when writing in English, and I'm thinking that we live in a convenient period.

However, if the numbers (the number of people or percentage) in the translated text is incorrect, or parts of the text are missing, I have no choice but to rely on Google Translate. Then, Google Translate displays the numbers more accurately and gives a better translation.

So, although I use DeepL Translate, I think it's better to leave the option of using Google Translate.

Please excuse me for today.







I'm just the opposite.
When translating from Russian into English, I like the result of DeepL translator much better than Google translator. Sometimes Google does not even do a good job with back translation when checking DeepL translations))

I think many people feel the same way you do.

This is my personal opinion.

Maybe different instruments work differently with different languages))
Have a nice day!

Yes. It depends on the occasion.

Thanks, you too.

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks. I have been absent from Hive for a few months and things have changed during that time. I would like to use ecency but don't know what to do.