Yesterday I went to my parents' house in Kamiayashi/昨日は上愛子の実家に行きました

in Hive JA6 months ago (edited)

This photo is a view of Hachiman taken yesterday.

My younger sister told me that my maternal aunt and uncle were rushed to the hospital after an automobile accident and that my uncle is in serious condition, and after learning that my father, who is in a nursing home, needs assistance during excretion and uses urine pads, I went to get my mourning clothes I had left in my parents' house in Kamiayashi yesterday, just in case things went wrong.

I took a bus bound for Sakunami Onsen via Ayashi, passing through green mountains on the way, and got off at a bus stop near my parents' house. My younger sister had turned off the water supply, so I could not use the toilet. I used the toilet at a convenience store. I have no good memories of this house, and I feel depressed when I come here. I checked the mailbox, but it was empty. I unlocked the door and went inside. There is a Buddhist altar, so there is a peculiar smell.

I went upstairs to my room. The room was messy to begin with, but since there was a big earthquake, the TV and many other things had fallen and were scattered around. I found mourning clothes in the closet. Now I have finished with my business. I am worried about what to do with this house after my father's death, but I decided not to think about that yesterday.

I felt lighter on the way home. I have to send my mourning clothes to the cleaner. I returned to Hachiman and had a cup of tea at the usual Doutor. At least one worry is gone for now.

Thanks for reading.




