Hunter x Hunter: An incredible anime with an unfinished story [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm5 months ago

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There are stories that must have their point and end... Hunter x Hunter is one of them. I can't conceive of leaving this world without seeing the end of this work, and not only this one but also others that share the same misfortune. However, the subject of my post will be this anime, I will talk about others later, God willing.

Hunter x Hunter has an exceptional story, from the beginning to where it has been written it has a lot of quality, not only in its plot line but in the development of its characters, so much so that many fans have appreciation for the villains. Has it happened to you with another anime where you love the villains? Well, in this awesome story you might, and if it has already happened to you with another anime you know very well what I'm talking about.

It all starts with a "very childish" scene but it has a lot of depth, the whale island is the scenario where the young Gon starts his adventure to become a hunter and find his famous father, a legendary hunter. Quickly the author hooks us with this plot, but when we see the outcome of it chapter by chapter we are totally fascinated.

I know I'm being very subjective in this aspect because I love it, but maybe you already saw this series and you don't like it as much as I do, the truth is that Hunter x hunter has everything necessary to be on the pedestal where it is. Even so, from this point I will be as objective as possible.


Each of the characters has its own story or arc within the main story, Gon is the protagonist but in his journey as a hunter he meets Killua, Kurapìka, Leorio, Hisoka and many more who have a great weight in the character we see in Gon from the beginning to where it has been written; the same happens with the rest of the named characters, they complement each other in a special way with the protagonist.

The mangaka Yoshijiro Togashi did a great job in this sense because it is not something simple to do, in fact it is one of the great challenges of the writers, but Togashi sensei has covered that aspect in an exceptional way.

Now talking a little bit about what can be found in the series, there are many values that come to the fore, friendship is one of them, loyalty another extremely important one, courage, sacrifice, how exalted it is in this work, it is definitely an anime that can be seen from many perspectives. The first time I saw it I was just a child but some time later I watched it again with my children and I did not miss the opportunities it gave me to teach them about these important things that have been lost today.

The arcs are long and contain very shocking scenes, added to that there is a violence present but that has been very well executed and sometimes seems extremely moderate although it really is not. The story accompanied by a narrator makes us think a lot, especially in the Chimera ants arc, one of the most impressive, there we can see and enjoy many currents of thought, which is pleasant for any viewer.


One of the most striking characters is Kurapika, who belongs to the Kurta clan, a clan that is characterized by having scarlet eyes, reason why they were practically exterminated by the Ghost Brigade or the Spider as it is also known. His initial arc lies in revenge, although it is not something positive it is one of the most exciting, and the end it has is very satisfying.

Another character who shares a great story is Killua, a member of the prestigious Zoldick family of assassins, but who does not want to follow the same path as his family and much less so when he meets Gon, who will eventually become his best friend. Both go through many challenges and dangers, situations that help them strengthen their friendship above all things.

Finally and to conclude I will talk a little about Hisoka, presented as a supposed antagonist and murderer, at first glance he looks like the bad guy of the series but as we get to know him and when his past is revealed we realize that he is not as he seems because there is a story that precedes all his actions. I really have a lot to say about this anime, but up to this point I consider that it is good, I hope that its mangaka can finish it, otherwise it would be unfortunate, even the same case of Berserk could happen which would be very sad for those of us who like this anime and for the end of this excellent story.


Thanks for reading

Spanish Version

Hunter x Hunter: Un anime increíble con una historia inconclusa

Hay historias que deben tener su punto y final… Hunter x Hunter es una de ellas. No puedo concebir irme de este mundo sin ver el fin de esta obra, y no solo esta sino también otras que comparten la misma desdicha. Sin embargo el tema de mi post será este anime, de otros hablare más adelante Dios mediante.

Hunter x Hunter tiene una historia excepcional, desde el inicio hasta donde ha sido escrita posee mucha calidad, no solo en su línea argumental sino en el desarrollo de sus personajes, tanto así que a muchos fans tienen aprecio hacia los villanos. ¿Te ha pasado con otro anime donde amas a los villanos? Pues en esta impresionante historia es posible que te suceda, y si ya te ha pasado con otro anime sabes muy bien de lo que hablo.

Todo comienza con una escena “muy infantil” pero que tiene mucha profundidad, la isla ballena es el escenario donde el joven Gon inicia su aventura para convertirse en cazador y encontrar a su famoso padre, un cazador legendario. Rápidamente el autor nos engancha con esta trama, pero cuando vemos el desenlace de la misma capitulo por capitulo quedamos totalmente fascinados.

Sé que estoy siendo muy subjetivo en este aspecto porque a mí me encanta, pero quizás tú ya viste esta serie y no te agrade tanto como a mí, lo cierto es que Hunter x hunter posee todo lo necesario para estar en el pedestal donde se encuentra. Aun así desde este punto seré lo más objetivo posible.

Cada uno de los personajes tiene su propia historia o arco dentro de la historia principal, Gon es el protagonista pero en su viaje como cazador conoce a Killua, Kurapìka, Leorio, Hisoka y muchos más que tienen un gran peso en el carácter que vemos en Gon desde el inicio hasta donde se ha escrito; lo mismo sucede con el resto de los personajes nombrados, se complementan de una manera especial con el protagonista.

El mangaka Yoshijiro Togashi hizo un gran trabajo en este sentido porque no es algo sencillo de hacer, de hecho es uno de los grandes desafíos de los escritores, pero el sensei Togashi ha cubierto ese aspecto de una forma excepcional.

Ahora bien hablando un poco de lo que se puede encontrar en la serie, hay muchos valores que salen a relucir, la amistad es uno de ellos, la lealtad otro sumamente importante, el valor, el sacrificio, cuan exaltado es en esta obra, definitivamente es un anime que se puede ver desde muchas perspectivas. La primera vez que lo vi era solo un niño pero tiempo después lo volví a ver con mis hijos y no desaproveche las oportunidades que me dio para enseñarle de estas cosas tan importantes que se han ido perdiendo el día de hoy.

Los arcos son largos y contienen escenas muy impactantes, sumado a eso hay una violencia presente pero que ha sido muy bien ejecutada y en ocasiones parece sumamente moderada aunque realmente no lo es así. La historia acompañada de un narrador nos hace pensar mucho, más que todo en el arco de las hormigas Quimera, uno de los más impresionantes, allí podemos ver y disfrutar de muchas corrientes de pensamiento, lo cual es agradable para cualquier espectador.

Uno de los personajes más llamativos es Kurapika, quien pertenece al clan Kurta, un clan que se caracteriza por tener los ojos escarlata, razón por la que fueron prácticamente exterminados por la Brigada fantasma o la araña como también se le conoce. Su arco inicial radica en la venganza, aunque no es algo positivo es uno de los más emocionantes, y el fin que tiene es muy satisfactorio.

Otro personaje que comparte una gran historia es Killua, miembro de la prestigiosa familia de asesinos Zoldick, pero que no quiere seguir el mismo camino de su familia y mucho menos cuando conoce a Gon, quien se convertirá a la postre en su mejor amigo. Ambos pasan por muchos desafíos y peligros, situaciones que los ayudan a fortalecer su amistad por sobre todas las cosas.

Por último y para concluir hablare un poco de Hisoka, presentado como un supuesto antagonista y asesino, a primera vista se ve como el malo de la serie pero a medida que se le conoce y cuando se revela su pasado nos damos cuenta de que no es como aparenta pues hay una historia que le antecede a todas sus acciones. Realmente tengo mucho que decir de este anime, pero hasta este punto considero que está bien, espero que su mangaka pueda culminarla, de lo contrario sería lamentable, incluso podría pasar el mismo caso de Berserk lo cual sería muy triste para quienes nos gusta este anime y para el final de esta excelente historia.

Gracias por leer

Translation done at DeepL


I love Hunter X Hunter, everything about about it is fascinating. It is so unfortunate that Togashi's health condition doesn't allow him to properly work to finish it 😥

Totally agree, hxh is a world of spectacular adventures. I also hope Togashi will finish it

A pity because I don't really think we'll see the end, Togashi has even been offered help to draw the manga and so continue, while he does the story but he won't let himself be helped, I guess it will be pride.

Possibly, there are authors who are very jealous of their works, so in that sense I can understand it. However I consider that it should be allowed to be helped. Hunter x hunter is a story worth finishing.

I used to watch this anime but I was not able to finish it.

There are more than 150 chapters and all of them were not televised.

To be honest, I had the opportunity to watch this anime series, but I was told that it doesn't has a completed ending or something like unfinished story . So I didn't later collect it because I don't want to be emotionally depressed by it. I hoped I had watched it though 😢.

I hear you, but as far as it is animated and as far as it has been written you can enjoy it, there are many things resolved in the story...but yes, at the end where it left off you will regret it because you will want to see more and you won't be able to.

Nice, I think I might start. Thanks

I've seen a lot about this anime and how its fans keep asking themselves when this work will end, I honestly had no interest in watching it so I wouldn't get hooked on something that has no ending 😪

He visto mucho acerca de éste anime y como sus fans se siguen preguntando para cuándo tendrá final esta obra, yo sinceramente no tuve interés en verlo para no engancharme con algo que no tiene final 😪

No sabes de lo que te pierdes 😎

El final no está porque su autor tiene problemas de salud y por eso no ha dibujado más, pero hay un final alternativo en caso de morir.

The anime ending was pretty satisfying for me, I think the story did end, atleast for Gon and Killua, but not for Kurapika and Leorio. Since I'm a insatiable creature, I decided to read the manga. I reread it from the first chapter up to the latest, that's why now I ended having an empty feeling in my heart ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ. The spider's backstory was really depressing, and after knowing it I can't really blame them why they ended up like that. Togashi-sensei already made a possible ending scenario for hxh, but I'm still hoping that he can continue making the manga, now that it's in the crucial part...

Well yes, almost every delinquent has a sad backstory, but that Hisoka is going to finish them off seems fine to me, and speaking of Hisoka he also has a sad backstory but his character is unique. As for Gon and Killua yes, they were more developed than Kurapika and Leorio, but I think Togashi planned to do more with them, however we may not see it.

I understand your feeling of emptiness, and well that alternate ending to me left me more empty haha.

Wait–what? Hisoka has a backstory? Gosh, I need to read it!

That's right, it explains how he learned and developed his nen and everything else, especially his obsession with chewing gum, hence its importance.

Todo el mundo que escuché hablar de este anime, dice maravillas. Me gustaría darle una oportunidad, pero es muy largo para mi y está incompleta.
Saludos, amigo.

Soy crítico del anime y los he visto por más de 20 años, creeme, es una maravilla. Pero si, es largo, y su historia inconclusa - razones mayores - aunque todo lo que hay hasta ahora es mucho para disfrutar.
