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RE: (Eng/Esp) Animes that Buhito would recommend to his worst enemy, Bizcochito the penguin!

in The Anime Realm11 days ago

We agree in that sense haha some friends recommended it to me, I saw that they put pictures of Rias everywhere and one day I decided to watch it, the first chapter I found it interesting, but then I was WTF hahaha 😂 Boku no Pico I could never watch it 😶

Yes, I finished it, at that time I had the desire to finish watching an anime even if it was a torture haha and the guy basically changed for her, he fell in love, but come on, that doesn't happen in real life 😂 after several humiliations, he fell in love 😶

Do you remember the name of that anime? Maybe I watched it because I've watched many of that style, deceived believing it was something else and it ended up being that haha 😂


Boku no Pico I could never watch it 😶

ahahahhhuhu sadly—the damage has been done...

but come on, that doesn't happen in real life 😂 after several humiliations, he fell in love 😶

since I'm a lil' masochist ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ, I'll try watching it... hehehe

Do you remember the name of that anime?

It's Hanayori no Dango (if my memory serves right). The fl was also humiliated a lot of times by the I think the plot was kinda similar... I think it's an old anime because it has been adapted into a lot of Boys Over Flowers adaptations across different countries.