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RE: 💢The best horror anime💢

in The Anime Realm5 months ago

This was one of the first anime I saw, I remember starting with anime totally different to this genre as comedy and romance, then this one interested me because of a video I saw on fb that was the death of one of the students pierced by an umbrella so I saw it really catches my attention all the mystery that happens in the anime. Also because there is one of the students that shouldn't be there and that's why everything is happening, plus you don't really expect who it is. Good post bro <3


"Another" is definitely an anime that stands out for its intriguing mystery and horror plot, and the shocking scene of the student's death pierced by an umbrella is just the beginning of a series full of unexpected twists and turns. The riddle behind the curse and the identity of the student who shouldn't be there keep the intrigue going until the very end - it really is an anime that keeps you on the edge of your seat! Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the series!"ras.