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RE: (ENG/SPA) SoundTracks, something that Mangas will never have and Animes do

in The Anime Realmlast month (edited)


Muchachonaaa hello 😃/, that's the power of anime that manga will never have now wow that has caught my attention the latest, I would like to hear what is that opening that you liked the most or some of them, if you could tell me, the success 😃/


Muchachonaaa hola 😃/, ese es el poder del anime que el manga nunca tendrá ahora vaya que ha llamado mi atención lo último, quisiera escuchar cual es ese opening que mas te ha agradado o algunos de ellos, si me pudieras decir, el éxito 😃/


Oh well just to mention a few: The Rumbling from Shingeki no Kyojin (but really it applies to any opening from this anime), the first op from Inuyasha, every single one from Naruto (especially Blue Bird), the first one from Death Note, and the list can keeo going but to give a special mention: Bleach, it has one of the best soundtrack ever made in anime. Not only the openings and endings but the whole music to every episode is awesome


I've listened to the opening of inuyasha but it's been a few years in the past haha BUT as soon as I listen to it I'll remember it 😂

I've listened to the opening of inuyasha but wow it's several years in the past haha BUT as soon as I listen to it I'll remember it 😃

WoW I'm impressed how that Naruto opening gets to so many, I'm that one in a million that doesn't like that specific opening, in fact I'm mad at it hahahaha 😂 but that's just me 🤣

ah well that's a classic the one from death note i just put it as a thumbnail as a subliminal message to those who have listened to that song from the opening of death note 😃

Bleach has really good openings, it's a pity what happened to the anime in its time but Bleach is a product that I appreciate in many aspects that do not detract anything compared to others like naruto etc, save bleach including many of its opneings and soundtracks.... IF YOU WANNA SEE SOME ACTION... you read it in your mind... The Success 😃/


buenisimos los openning de ataque a los titanes, mi favorito es el que no gusta a muchos que es donde no salen los personajes jaja 😂

He escuchado los opening de inuyasha pero vaya son varios años en el pasado jaja PERO apenas lo escuche lo recordare 😃

WoW estoy impresionado como ese opening de Naruto llega a tantos, soy ese uno en millnes que no le gusta ese opening en específico, de hecho le tengo colera jajajaja 😂 pero ya son cosas mías 🤣

ah buen ese es un clásico el de death note justo lo coloque de miniatura como mensaje subliminal a aquellos que han escuchado esa canción del opening de death note 😃

Bleach tiene buenísimos opening de verdad es una lastima lo sucedido con el anime en sus tiempos pero Bleach es un producto que aprecio en muchisimos aspectos que no le desmeritan nada frente a otros como naruto etc, salve bleach incluido muchos de sus opneings y bandas sonoras... IF YOU WANNA SEE SOME ACTION... la leiste cantada en tu mente... El Exito 😃/