(ENG/SPA) SoundTracks, something that Mangas will never have and Animes do

in The Anime Realm2 months ago


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Puedes escucharlo... es el sonido de los SoundTracks Celestiales

Una de las cosas mas entretenidas que tiene el ver o escuchar una historia es el medio que se use para transmitirla, somos una especie donde la comunicación predomina y nos domina para transmitir las ideas y un subconjunto de esta son las tramas que sean basadas en hechos reales o creadas en nuestra imaginación siempre queremos transmitirlas con el mayor poder posible para que cautive la atención de un receptor o audiencia en este caso.

Siempre he escuchado de muchas historias que el manga es mejor que el Anime o el Live Action que esta muy activo estos últimos días pero algo que nunca ofrecerá es sonido con una consecuencia letal como producto y es que carece de música, si algo tienen las armonías es que pueden transmitir sensaciones solidas, en esto siempre ganara el Anime.

You can hear it... it's the sound of the Celestial SoundTracks

One of the most entertaining things about watching or listening to a story is the medium used to transmit it, we are a species where communication predominates and dominates us to convey ideas and a subset of this are the plots that are based on real events or created in our imagination always want to transmit them with the greatest possible power to captivate the attention of a receiver or audience in this case.

I have always heard from many stories that manga is better than Anime or Live Action which is very active these days but something that will never offer is sound with a lethal consequence as a product and that is that it lacks music, if something has the harmonies is that they can convey solid feelings, in this will always win the Anime.



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Los Mangas claro que tienen un gran poder, uno que a mi manera de pensar lo plasmare en otro post pero en este caso que es los soundtracks, los animes brillan como las armaduras de un caballero dorado irradiado por el séptimo sentido y su formula vaya que se ha transmitido de manera solida a través de las décadas.

Noto siempre se recuerda los autores de un manga o un anime pero algo que se olvida es las voces de aquellos openings, los nombres de aquellos que crearon una partitura para un instrumento musical que le diera vida a un soundtrack o aquel maestro de orquesta que vio nacer el ending simbólico a un anime para despedir un fan o espectador.

Mangas of course have a great power, one that to my way of thinking I will capture in another post but in this case that is the soundtracks, the anime shine like the armor of a golden knight irradiated by the seventh sense and its formula has been transmitted in a solid way through the decades.

Noto always remembers the authors of a manga or an anime but something that is forgotten is the voices of those openings, the names of those who created a score for a musical instrument that gave life to a soundtrack or that orchestra master who saw the birth of the symbolic ending to an anime to say goodbye to a fan or viewer.


Opening Demon Slayer

Un ejemplo que me sucedió previo a escribir este post y del cual aun estoy asombrado es que hoy por primera vez busco el nombre de esa persona que escribió varios de los soundtracks de Saint Seiya, nunca me había fijado en él pero reconozco sus melodías al instante, puede que esto también te suceda y la sorpresa sea grata, su nombre es Seiji Yokoyama, te animo a buscar sobre el y el gran legado musical que dejo para nosotros.

La Fórmula que noto son openings, endings y soundtracks que complementen y envuelvan una escena dándole el sentimiento exacto que requiere, se dice fácil pero vaya que no lo es, primero se requiere artistas que sepan de música para luego dar lo mejor de si y en muchos casos dejar el alma en sus obras como los profesionales que son.

An example that happened to me before writing this post and of which I am still amazed is that today for the first time I look for the name of that person who wrote several of the soundtracks of Saint Seiya, I had never noticed him but I recognize his melodies instantly, maybe this also happens to you and the surprise is pleasant, his name is Seiji Yokoyama, I encourage you to search about him and the great musical legacy he left for us.

The Formula that I notice are openings, endings and soundtracks that complement and wrap a scene giving it the exact feeling it requires, it is easy to say but it is not, first it requires artists who know music and then give the best of themselves and in many cases leave the soul in their works as the professionals they are.


Soundtrack Saint Seiya

Dejo como muestra algunos que han llamado mi atención para poder darme a entender en este post:

  • Opening de Demon Slayer: es la inversa de lo que presenta un anime porque es un video musical que adapta la historia a la música, algo que el manga nunca logrará, por cierto acoto es muy buen video musical, me sorprendió conseguírmelo porque generalmente escucho la canción con el opening animado.

  • GalaXian Wars del DIOS Seiji Yokoyama: ya hable un poco de el y pueden escuchar así como buscar mas de sus obras musicales, es mi infancia en esa canción porque es la que daba inicio a cada episodio de Saint Seiya la cual es totalmente instrumental, cuantos años dure escuchándola y repetidas veces ya que en aquellos tiempos de los 90 no tenía internet y había que ver el anime en el canal de televisión que repetía una y otra vez las sagas. Lo mas grato de animarme a escribir este post es que conocí su nombre al recordar soundtracks que no solo me gustaran si no que tuvieran algún significado, estos detalles no me los puede ofrecer un manga.

  • Gabriela Vega su voz en un Pedestal de Sentimientos: ella es latina, he escuchado muchos artistas famosos y veo que el anime tiene un subconjunto de ellos que lamentablemente varios de ellos pudieran olvidarse, busco tanto de ella y casi no consigo, se ve son artistas maravillosos porque escucho su ending Dearest para Inuyasha y escucho su alma en esa canción, estos son detalles que nunca tendrá un manga.

Dedicado todos y cada uno de mis post y videos a mi perrita llamada princesa que la llamábamos chiquito que ya no está con nosotros pero desde el cielo verá que su existencia SI fue valiosa y lo más hermoso que existirá en mi corazón y alma.

I leave as a sample some that have caught my attention to be able to understand me in this post:

  • Opening of Demon Slayer: it is the inverse of what an anime presents because it is a music video that adapts the story to music, something that the manga will never achieve, by the way I note it is very good music video, I was surprised to get it because I usually listen to the song with the animated opening.

  • GalaXian Wars by the GOD Seiji Yokoyama: I already talked a little about him and you can listen to it as well as look for more of his musical works, it is my childhood in that song because it is the one that started each episode of Saint Seiya which is totally instrumental, how many years I lasted listening to it and repeatedly because in those times of the 90's I had no internet and I had to watch the anime on the TV channel that repeated the sagas over and over again. The most pleasant thing to encourage me to write this post is that I knew her name when I remembered soundtracks that I not only liked but that had some meaning, these details cannot be offered by a manga.

  • Gabriela Vega her voice in a Pedestal of Sentiments: she is latin, I have listened to many famous artists and I see that the anime has a subset of them that unfortunately several of them could be forgotten, I look for so much of her and almost do not get, it is seen they are wonderful artists because I listen to her ending Dearest for Inuyasha and I hear her soul in that song, these are details that a manga will never have.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.


Ending Inuyasha


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Siento que un buen opening y ending, dan mucho de que hablar el como será la historia detrás. En cuanto a aquellos que hacen la versión latina, es admirable el trabajo que logran al tratar de llegar al original, incluso llegando a superarlo.

I feel that a good opening and ending, give a lot to talk about the story behind it. As for those who make the Latin version, it is admirable the work they achieve in trying to reach the original, even surpassing it.


And much more than that, it can get you hooked because there are some that we can't get out of our heads haha. It is admirable the work that is done in different languages and perhaps many versions are powerful and because of the language we have not heard them, what is bad about the current days is that too many products come out, it is a massive amount and the same people who do the dubbing can not even act to give the best of themselves in their dubbing, I think so those dubbing of the 80, 90 and even 2000 come as that more and yes, I agree with you, they overcome it as in the case of Inuyasha and several songs of Gabriela Vega that I recommend 😃/


Y mucho mas que eso, te puede enganchar porque hay de los que no podemos sacarnos de la cabeza jaja. Es admirable el trabajo que se hace en distintas lenguas y quizás muchas versiones son potentes y por el lenguaje no las hemos escuchado, lo que si es malo de los días actuales es que salen demasiados productos, es una cantidad masiva y los mismas personas que hacen el doblaje ni siquiera pueden actuar para dar lo mejor de sí en su doblaje, pienso por eso aquellos doblajes de los 80, 90 e inclusive 2000 llegan como que mas y si, estoy de acuerdo contigo, lo superan como en el caso de Inuyasha y varias canciones de Gabriela Vega que recomiendo 😃/

Es verdad, hay openings y endings que siempre se quedaran en el recuerdo y que no se te quita tan fácilmente de la mente. Saludos 😊


will you have any recommendations girl, I would like to hear what is that opening that you love the most to have it in mind and maybe it's an anime I haven't seen 😃


tendrás alguna recomendación muchachona, me gustaría escuchar cual es ese opening que mas te encanta para tenerlo en mente y quizá sea un anime que no he visto 😃

Ahorita no dejo de pensar en el opening de Kaiju 8 y el ending. Pero siempre me gustó el doblaje de los openings y endings de Dragon ball Z. 😅

Right now I can't stop thinking about the opening of Kaiju 8 and the ending. But I always liked the dubbing of Dragon ball Z openings and endings. 😅

Even I was surprised by the music, it's excellent and the animation too. Impressive and you dealt with an excellent subject. Great guy!

Hasta a mi me sorprendio la música, es excelente y la animación tambien. Impresionante y trataste un tema excelente. Genial Muchachón!


Muchachonaaa hello 😃/, will you have over there any melody not necessarily of anime, of some film that you liked to listen to it 😃


Muchachonaaa hola 😃/, tendrás por allí alguna melodía no necesariamente de anime, de algun film que te haya agradado para escucharlo 😃

I have a lot of them! I will pass some on to you!

Tengo muchas!!! Te pasare alguna!

It is true that soundtracks can transmit a lot, in fact, I think there are fundamental in all types of audiovisual content, but as far as manga is concerned, it is necessary that the mangaka knows how to convey the emotions correctly, when they manage to do it well I can tell you that no soundtrack is necessary, but few do it.

Thanks for sharing. Greetings!


because that is the power of the drawings in this case applied to mangas that of course will depend on the mangaka or author and if I am not mistaken it is older than the speech as a form of expression, after studying a little more I will leave my opinion just about that because the drawing can express a lot because it is art.... that the Mona Lisa says it 😃/


porque ese es el poder de los dibujos en este caso aplicado a mangas que claro dependerá del mangaka o autor y si no me equivoco es mas antiguo que el habla como forma de expresión, luego de estudiar un poco mas dejare mi opinión justo sobre eso porque el dibujo puede expresar mucho porque es arte.... que lo diga la Mona Lisa 😃/

Manga has what anime doesn't have and anime has what manga doesn't have, they complement each other haha.

The soundtrack is a fundamental part of a story, it helps the viewer to go deeper into a scene or story.


The manga I consider has its charm which is the same as the comics BUT definitely the anime as a product has to offer more and one of the reasons is the music 😃/


El manga considero tiene su encanto que es el mismo de los comics PERO definitivamente el anime como producto tiene para ofrecer mas y una de las razones es la música 😃/

Oh I can totally agree! Manga is the main thing and it can convey many emotions (if the mangaka knows how to do the work well), but in audiovisual content the soundtrack definitely plays a big part in the story telling. An anime or any other type of audiovisual wouldn't be the same without its soundtrack.

I can name so many openings and endings that definitely left a mark on my memory of how good they are


Muchachonaaa hello 😃/, that's the power of anime that manga will never have now wow that has caught my attention the latest, I would like to hear what is that opening that you liked the most or some of them, if you could tell me, the success 😃/


Muchachonaaa hola 😃/, ese es el poder del anime que el manga nunca tendrá ahora vaya que ha llamado mi atención lo último, quisiera escuchar cual es ese opening que mas te ha agradado o algunos de ellos, si me pudieras decir, el éxito 😃/

Oh well just to mention a few: The Rumbling from Shingeki no Kyojin (but really it applies to any opening from this anime), the first op from Inuyasha, every single one from Naruto (especially Blue Bird), the first one from Death Note, and the list can keeo going but to give a special mention: Bleach, it has one of the best soundtrack ever made in anime. Not only the openings and endings but the whole music to every episode is awesome


I've listened to the opening of inuyasha but it's been a few years in the past haha BUT as soon as I listen to it I'll remember it 😂

I've listened to the opening of inuyasha but wow it's several years in the past haha BUT as soon as I listen to it I'll remember it 😃

WoW I'm impressed how that Naruto opening gets to so many, I'm that one in a million that doesn't like that specific opening, in fact I'm mad at it hahahaha 😂 but that's just me 🤣

ah well that's a classic the one from death note i just put it as a thumbnail as a subliminal message to those who have listened to that song from the opening of death note 😃

Bleach has really good openings, it's a pity what happened to the anime in its time but Bleach is a product that I appreciate in many aspects that do not detract anything compared to others like naruto etc, save bleach including many of its opneings and soundtracks.... IF YOU WANNA SEE SOME ACTION... you read it in your mind... The Success 😃/


buenisimos los openning de ataque a los titanes, mi favorito es el que no gusta a muchos que es donde no salen los personajes jaja 😂

He escuchado los opening de inuyasha pero vaya son varios años en el pasado jaja PERO apenas lo escuche lo recordare 😃

WoW estoy impresionado como ese opening de Naruto llega a tantos, soy ese uno en millnes que no le gusta ese opening en específico, de hecho le tengo colera jajajaja 😂 pero ya son cosas mías 🤣

ah buen ese es un clásico el de death note justo lo coloque de miniatura como mensaje subliminal a aquellos que han escuchado esa canción del opening de death note 😃

Bleach tiene buenísimos opening de verdad es una lastima lo sucedido con el anime en sus tiempos pero Bleach es un producto que aprecio en muchisimos aspectos que no le desmeritan nada frente a otros como naruto etc, salve bleach incluido muchos de sus opneings y bandas sonoras... IF YOU WANNA SEE SOME ACTION... la leiste cantada en tu mente... El Exito 😃/

I like listening to OP and ED, but I sometimes don't watch the video as some of them can be spoilers. haha
Yes, manga won't have a soundtrack, but I guess it doesn't matter that much. We can still enjoy it and even imagine some music while reading certain parts, can't we? :) Have a great day! (^^,)/


each product has its pros and cons but the anime can definitely offer more, a manga scene amplified by soundtrack are spectacular, now that last thing you mention is the power of the manga is largely lost in the anime

it's a big problem just what you say, for example for me everything is spoiler haha and seriously if there are openings that give too much, and ultimamnte I hear, it happened to me with demon slayer that spoilea much 😵


cada producto tienes sus pros y contras pero el anime definitivamente puede ofrecer mas, un escena manga amplificada por soundtrack son espectaculares, ahora eso último que mencionas es el poder de los mangas se pierde en buena medida en los animes

es un gran problema justo lo que planteas, por ejemplo ya para mi todo es spoiler jaaja ya en serio si hay openings que dan demasiado, ya últimamente escucho, me paso con demon slayer que vaya spoilea mucho 😵

Yes... manga and anime have their own charm that appeals to their readers and viewers.

hahaha... xDDD That must be tough. I don't mind Kimetsu no Yaiba's opening spoiler though because I already read the manga before... But it's really sad and annoying to see spoilers. T_T


something that made my life much better was that I didn't see the opening of the second season of the Rengoku saga.... I saw everything neat and when it was already the final chapter, WoW I saw the opening that is great that is undoubtedly but had a Spoiler that by God save me 😵


algo que me alegro la vida enormemente fue que no vi el opening de la segunda temporada que es de la saga de Rengoku... vi todo pulcro y cuando ya era el capítulo final, WoW vi el opening que esta buenísimo eso es indudable pero tenia un Spoiler que por dios santo la que me salve 😵

hahahaha... That was indeed very lucky! You were saved!!!
Sometimes, it's better to just listen to the song without watching the opening video. :D