Let's Talk About MAJOR ANIME SERIES~!!! [Season 1 of 6]

in The Anime Realm3 years ago

What's up, Otaku(s)???
I've been thinking of writing something about MAJOR for the longest time now, but I always end up not doing it. However, now, I have decided to finally write my thoughts on this amazing anime series that I totally love. <3

MAJOR anime series has six seasons and around three OVAs. There's also a movie and last 2018, Major 2nd first season was aired. It's super long, so I want to talk about it per season. Obviously, let's start from the beginning. ^^

What is MAJOR about?


The whole MAJOR anime series revolves around the life of our main character Honda Goro. It starts from when he was still a very young boy until the latest one, Major 2nd season two, when he is already a father of two kids. Anyway, let's focus on the first series. ^^


The picture above is the baseball-obsessed little boy named Honda Gorou. He was still around six years old in this picture, I think. His father, Honda Shigeharu, is a professional baseball player. His father also inspired him to play baseball, and in the future, he wants to be a professional baseball player just like him.

He really looked up to his father. Unfortunately, his father was injured and was released from his team. But seeing Goro, his little boy, and with the idea given by his friend named Shigeno, his father tried out and came back to the field as a batter.


What I like about sports anime is the concept of not giving up. One door might have closed, but you can always try to open another one.


Later in the season, the young Gorou's baseball life started as he joined a Little League team called Mifune Dolphins.



Seeing young kids doing their best at playing the sports they love made me want to try my best in doing what I love as well. Even though the characters were very young, they were already tested about their passion for something. They were able to meet friends, coordinate with their teammates and play fairly with their rivals. I think this kind of concept is encouraging and heartwarming.

This anime can also be very heartbreaking, but it mirrors reality... so it can be an eye-opener in a lot of ways. I enjoyed the story. The variety of characters and their personalities clashing are also commendable.


I just love the art style of the first season. It has 26 episodes and was released in 2004 to 2005. I personally adore the art style of the late 90s and early 2000s, so I might be a bit biased about this. Also, the characters appearance also reflects what kind of personality they have. I like the variations in how they drew the eyes.



I really love this song! The melody, the lyrics... I'm having LSS (Last Song Syndrome). Aside from being the first opening song in season one, this song was also used as the opening in season 6. There are other interesting opening and ending songs used in the MAJOR series. I'll share more of the opening songs or ending songs that I like each season. :) For this season, it'd be this one!

I have watched MAJOR series from season one to six three times now and I'm still willing to watch it again someday. ^^ The first season is one of my favorite seasons because I just love them cute kids. <3 It makes you want to cheer for them. ^^

I'll end this post here for now... Please look forward to reading the rest of my review for each season. Jaa ne~!!!! (^_^)/

PS: Even if you don't know anything about baseball, I'm positive you'd enjoy this series and learn a thing or two about the sport. I had zero baseball knowledge when I watched this the first time! Yep~ this opened the path for me to love baseball anime and manga!