
I've browsed a lot of photos with black and white so sometimes I see some images that looked too familiar or with some artistic variation. Their intro post with the second art image made me sure it was a photo of similar fashion I saw from pinterest. So if they don't own those photos, I believe, without bothering to search because I'm sure, these works of hers are her versions without giving due credit to the references she used.

Yeah that's the image alright :D


So you are saying, if someone is doing a similar painting, that's considered plagiarism ?

If they created their own version of an existing idea, they have to be transparent that the idea wasn't originally theirs and what they present is an altered version. While it isn't a straight out copy, there is still a level of artistry that was derived from the referenced image, thought and composition. People can draw Mona Lisa paintings and everyone would know who the original painter is because their fame protects someone else from stealing their work. For artists that have yet to make a name for themselves, they do not have this privilege and anyone can make versions of their works without crediting them. This is fine by itself because artists learn from other artists. But it is a different issue not to credit the inspiration from and even monetize the work. Curator may have voted her work as being totally original when it isn't.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I have rectified it. I don't claim other's artworks as mine. I always give credit to the real artist. You can check my Instagram account. I have tagged Pinterest. Please forgive me. My every painting is inspired from photographs or other artists. All my paintings are inspired from Pinterest. I hope you can forgive me. I will surely try to rectify my mistakes from now on.

No problem at all. Never do it because you lose self respect as an artist if you don't give due credit. It's fine if you take inspiration from others, that's how artists learn, what isn't fine is claiming everything from concept to execution are all yours truly. I didn't downvote you because this was a common mistake new users make. Have a nice day.

if it is clear that a source has been used, without attributing copyright, yes, if it is just something similar no.

Really sorry for the inconvenience. I have rectified my mistake. I don't steal other's artworks. I always give the real artists due credit. My all paintings are inspired from photographs and other artworks. Most artworks of mine are inspired from Pinterest. I hope you all can forgive me for this. Thank you.

Really sorry for the inconvenience. I have rectified my mistake. I don't steal other's artworks. I always give the real artists due credit. My all paintings are inspired from photographs and other artworks. Most artworks of mine are inspired from Pinterest. I hope you all can forgive me for this. Thank you.