Nightmares of the Future (2021)

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

Nightmares of the Future

Collection: Artificial Paradises

NFT available on @nftshowroom

Welcome to the final gate...

Nightmares of the Future is the climax of the story. When you reach the final stage and are about go through the last gate, the end of the journey: the point of no return and and last battle.

The 1st piece of Artificial Paradises, a collection about visions, perceptions and stories about places.

This piece is the nemesis of a photography of mine called Dreams of the Future, it was born out of this photo as its total opposite view and perspective about the hopes on the future, while one is utopia the other one is dystopia, both siblings and counterparts.

Piece created with Photomosh.

Dreams of the Future

Dreams of the Future, inspiration and one of the two

Want to collect?

2 of 2 editions of Nightmares of the Future are now available on my gallery on NFT Showroom.

I've decided to start experimenting with digital art, please feel free to tell me what are your thoughts on this piece!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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Icons from Icons8


The mood of this piece is incredible! The house appears to have a "heartbeat". It has a feeling of being alive and breathing. Love the colours. It seems like we're going to have a lot of nightmares in the future. I can't wait to see where you take this. @clayboyn, this could be your new dream/nightmare house....😉

@ailindigo and I could make all of our nightmares come true!
Well fuck I can't get the gif to work so just go here.

I'm betting they'd all be beautiful, coloured, moody nightmares 😜. What's your take @ailindigo and @tripode?

my nightmares are always moody or they're not my nightmares :v lol

LOL, more moody nightmares up and coming NFT's!

omg i like that remix! it's even more nightmarish!! :D

thanku very much! I'm just glad u like it :')
yeah i wanted to be a face there actually lol but it isn't vert obvious, which is somehow fine... lmao

I SEE MANY THINGS! wait for it :D


You're welcome! I do see a "mouth" in it after looking again. Keeping my eyes open for more to come! 💙

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