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RE: The Seeker of Inspiration and Creativity

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

True, I didn't thought about that. Amazing, now you wrote it and i see it. Damn why i didn't saw it before?! Hahahaha amazing creative imagination you have. Thanks for that my dear 💕💃☀️🙏🏼hahahahahaha have to laugh now, its even more funny with this fact. Hehehehehehe he 🤣🙏🏼😂😎🤗💯🎨


😂😂 as artists, we see things differently and you will be amazed by other people's views of your art, I get that a lot too😉😁
You are amazing with your piece.

Thank you my dear @zellypearl 💕🤗💯🎨indeed, I know. Its always sooo amazing to take the perspective of another artist and see that art with other eyes. For me it first looked different. Than i read you words and in front of my eyes the pic switched in my mind. Loooooove it. Super coool. Muito obrigada for that. I wish it more often 🎨💯🤗💕🙏🏼have a super marvelous Friday. Hugs out to you for this nice feedback. Haha, now I only see what you see.... Hehehe. Niiiice.

I am so pleased to have let your mind capture this perspective of your art with me.
Do have a wonderful day and weekend too.