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RE: Digging a Little Deeper by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Hey, about astral and out of body experiences and that stuff (and weird stuff in general, which I know you love!) ... have you ever read Carlos Castaneda?
Because the people he writes about seem to know exactly how that all works. I'm completely hooked by those books right now, reading the seventh one at the moment and feeling my magical image of the world getting stronger. I've never been bound by reason too much anyway :-) Big recommendation!



I have only read SEPERATE REALITY by Castaneda, but I enjoyed it! I should probably read a few more!!!

I'm reading them one by one at the moment, in the order he's written them. It's the whole story of his apprenticeship, kind of chronologically. I find a lot of weird stuff in there that I don't get (yet) and also a lot of truth :) It's definitely worth it!